The Beginning of the End

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Nikki's Point of View

I saw Mackenzie come towards me with such fury in her steps it seemed like she was going to catch on fire. This was not going to be good, I could tell. At least Brandon is safe.

I sighed and braced myself for the worst as Mackenzie came closer.

Mackenzie: "Hello, Maxwell."

She spit my name like it was poison in her mouth. I try to reply back in a steady voice.

Nikki: "Hello, Mackenzie."

Mackenzie: "I heard you and Brandon are dating. I hardly believe it's actually true love though. So what is it? You pay him? Hypnotize him?"

She says it as if that's the only way Brandon could ever date me. I narrow my eyes and spit the next words out with venom.

Nikki: "I'm sorry, Mackenzie, but I don't play games. You do. Which is why you'll never have him."

She stands there, shocked for a second, but recovers quickly.

Mackenzie: "Please. He'll be begging to date me in a few days. He will soon realize he's dating a piece of trash."

The last part stings, but I know Brandon won't leave me.

Nikki: "And how are you so sure?"

Mackenzie: "You see, Nikki, I work for perfection. A perfect life, a perfect face and a perfect wardrobe. And so, I try to perfect others. You are out of place. Brandon's supposed to be with me. That's how the world works."

I glare at her and feel fury bubble in my blood.

Mackenzie: "When things are out of place, I fix them. I always fix the problems I believe I need to be fixed. Dorks are supposed be with dorks. Populars are supposed to be with Populars."

Nikki: "You're sick. We don't need fixing."

Mackenzie smiles a sinister smile with her bright white teeth. Her blue eyes pierce ice into my heart.

Mackenzie: "But I'll do it anyways. Because I'm that good of a person. Brandon will be mine, Maxwell. And there is nothing you can do to change it."

She laughs and sashays away before I can even say a word. I just HATE it when she does that. Nothing will break Brandon and me. I have to make sure of it.

I walk home with worries upon my shoulders. I quickly eat dinner and do my homework so I can just sulk and go to sleep.

I have a nightmare of Mackenzie kissing Brandon. I see Brandon confessing love to Mackenzie and going away with her.

I wake up in a cold sweat, and pray nightmares don't come true....

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