4 • Christmas On The Run

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Steve, Nat, Sam and Wanda celebrate Christmas while on the run. Takes place after Civil War. Fluff.

"Alright coming through!" Sam exclaims as he and Steve carry a ten-foot-tall Christmas tree into the living room. The safe house they are in had kept them warm and safe for a few weeks. The log-cabin style home, in the middle of Canada's Boreal woods, provided the perfect shelter from any authorites looking for them. Though it wasn't perfect, it was infact -5 degress outside and the only heat source they had was the fireplace. If their was one thing this team of vagabonds did well; it was adapting to change.

Wanda had insisted on a tree. Sam had complained about it being to cold, but Steve was eagar to get out of the cabin and hunt for a tree. Wanda had even found various items for decorations.

Natasha on the other hand was axious. While the others were getting ready to celebrate Christmas; she was organizing her maps of other safehouses and cleaning her weapons. Infact, she thought they were all being reckless. Even though they are in one of the most remote spots in the world, satlitess pass by everyday. Nothing was worth the risk. If any of the others were caught, they'd spend the rest of their lives in prison for going against the Accords. Natasha on the other hand signed the Acoccords and broke them. Instead of a prision, Ross wouldn't hesitate to hand her over to Russia. She would rather die than go back there, against her will.

Steve had noticed how wound up Natasha was. He knows her best afterall. He knew the risks of wandering, but he needed to. For his own sanity. When they had finished decoating, Natasha had added a few more logs to the fire, which she chopped earlier. Wanda sat on the bed, and Sam and Steve on the couch, whilst Natasha crouched near the fireplace.

The cabin only had one room. Which included a bed a couch, and small table with chairs. There was also a small counter with shelves above it. No privacy at all. The group had gotten quite comfortable with each other. They were forced to under the circumstances. Steve would still blush everytime Natasha changed her shirt, even with a bra on under it.

Wanda sat on the bed under a blanket quietly humming Christmas Carols to herself. Sam had promised her he would fix the radio they found here. Later that night when he did, he blew off the dust of a cd they found lying a drawer. He slipped it in and pressed play. West End Girls by Pet Shop Boys began to play.

"Who would leave this gem here?!" Sam exclaims.

"I wouldn't go as far as to say gem... Have you ever listened to this song," Natasha laughs for the first time in a while. Steve looks over to Natasha, drawn to the sound of her laugh. He's never heard thi song and he never wants to again. Put if it made her smile, consider it his new favorite.

Sam pulls Natasha and Wanda from there spots and dances with them, as he drags Natasha to the empty space in the middle of the house, she grabs the bottle of whiskey from the counter. She takes a long swig before being twirled around by Sam.

"Steve! Come dance with me!" Natasha yells over the increasingly loud music. She grabs him with one hand and leads him to their make shift dance floor. Natasha passes the bottle so Sam and takes Steve with two hands.

Steve spins her and follows her movements, trying to not get caught up in how perfect she looks. Flushed red cheeks and tosseld hair, from flipping it. She wraps her arms around Steve's neck and moves her body to the akward rhythm. She trades parterns and dances with Wanda leaving Steve with Sam who do a few silly moves before sitting down. The song ends and so does the party. The four superheroes are out of breath from a few minutes of dancing.

"It's really hot in here, I'm gonna go outside for a bit," Natasha says while pulling on her boots and stealing the alcohal from Sam.

"I'm going to go also," Steve follows.

--- --- --- --- ---

Natasha is already outside under the overhand of the roof when Steve follows her out. The woods is dark the dim light from inside the cabin not helping much. A few flurries of snow land in Natasha's hair forming a cronw like shape as if she is some princess. Though to Steve she has always been more of a queen.

"It's beautiful night," Natasha says, slumped against the side of the house sipping away at the bottle of Whiskey.

"Ya in a way I guess it is," Steve agrees while sitting down next to her in the snow. She turns her head to Steve and gives him an odd look,

"You are a really good guy Steve." Steve doesn't know what to say to that so he stays quiet.

"Really, I mean staying good despite all the evil that surrounds you," She continues.

"I guess we are the same then," Steve attempts.

"No I'm not like you. Good. I'm trying though really,"

"You don't have to try. You are good to me. To our little family we have left," He states. She gives him a sad smile and kisses him on the cheek. His frost nipped skin warming instantly under her lips. She curls into him and lays her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat under his coat.

"Ya know there is one thing I want for Christmas," Steve annouces, finally putting his feelings into words.

"Oh really. What might that be?" Natasha asks teasingly.

"You," He smiles down to her. She looks up and smirks.

"You can take a man out of the 40s but can't take the 40s out of a man, I guess. So what you want me wrapped up and put under the tree, that's kinky," Natasha laughs.

"Shush you know what I mean. I really like you Natasha. A lot. And if being on the run together proved anything it's that," He smiles again. Natasha sits up and kisses along his jawline, over the stubble growing there. She kisses up over his chin and soon directly on his lips. She straddles him and kisses him more feverishly.

"Let's go inside Rogers, they might get suspicous," Natasha laughs.

"Merry Christmas Natasha,"

"Ya ya Rogers, I guess I got what I wanted for Christmas too," She laughs again and kisses him one more time.

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