7 • Party Crasher

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Natasha shows up at her own funeral. Endgame fixit where no one dies in the end. Post Endgame. Fluff and Angst. (Sorry this one is a bit shorter). Please leave any ideas you have for a oneshot (:

It was raining. Today of all days. Like she had requested there would be a small ceremony with only her closest friends and family. Steve had even tracked down Yelena in Russia to bring her here. Of course Natasha's younger sister was devastated. But she agreed to be there at the funeral.

The Captain watched as his family gathered around her gravestone. Though there was no body, Clint had insisted on a memorial for her.

Pepper wheeled Tony in his wheelchair with Morgan on his lap. By some gods above, he survived the snap and defeated Thanos once and for all. The family was joined by Peter Parker, Rhodey and Happy.

The next to arrive was the Barton family. All three children attended with their parents. Out of the three children; Lila looked the most upset. Her eyes were red and puffy, her skin flush from crying. With them Wanda who dried the tears on her cheeks as they fell.

Then, Fury by his lonesome, who stood somewhere in the back by Yelena. Bucky and Sam were by Steve's side through the whole service.

The rain only began to subside, as the service came to a close. No one had left yet. They all stood in a crestfallen sadness, no one daring to move. Steve was crying. He hadn't cried since the news of her death. But he could no longer hold it in. Years of her always being by his side. After everyone was gone and had left him. She was always there.

His best girl.


He knew Natasha wouldn't want this. Not him crying and feeling all these feelings that she despised so much. She'd want him to move on. To do more good in her name. He couldn't. Not even if he tried.

Fury gave him a solemn pat on his shoulder before turning to leave. Yelena sat away from everyone, a few silent tears streaming down her face. The Bartons are about to leave, even though it seems Clint is unable to move his feet. The world was back together. Whole again. Though the new hole in the Avenger's team, seems to out weigh every life saved.

"I'm going to head back home. There's a few who need to know that she's gone," Yelena whispers to Steve, like her voice cannot be raised above that pitch.

"Of course. Thank you for coming," Steve says, clearing his voice. Yelena gives him a hug and Steve sinks into her grip. Yelena turns to follow Fury to the road, where everyone is parked. She sees the the man in black, stop in his tracks. She follows his gaze. She stops too.

"What's with all the doom and gloom?" A sulky voice asks the two of them. A women with a small figure approaches them in black.

"Natasha?" Yelena asks, her voice shaking.

"Heya sis, how come I wasn't invited?" She laughs. Yelena jumps into her arms and wails into her shoulder.

"Your an asshole Romanoff," Fury says, laughing and shaking his head.

"Of course, how could you expect less," Natasha laughs never letting go of her sister. Fury leaves laughing.

"Steve is a mess. You need to go see him. And how? How are you back?" Yelena asks.

"I'll explain later, come on," They walk back to Natasha's grave.

Steve is the first to turn around. His face paling when he sees her. His hand goes to his mouth to cover the audible gasp he lets out.

"What's the matter Rogers? You look like you've seen a ghost," Natasha says huskily as she approaches the group.

"Holy shit! Natasha?" Sam yells.

"Natasha," Steve whispers. He runs up to her and grabs her. So tight, he may never let go. And he won't ever let go. Not again. Not after Vormir, where they were sent almost two weeks ago.

"Hi Steve," Natasha almost begins to cry; but stays strong for the sobbing man in her arms. Soon all the others see her two. The Barton children are the first to reach her and they grab her legs. Steve lets go but keeps a firm grip on her hand. Natasha kneels down and hugs all of them. Everyone is now gathered around Natasha all crying and laughing, and yelling at her for not returning sooner.

"This is nice," Natasha laughs being crushed by everyone who hugs her. Steve's grip doesn't wain. Wanda grabs her other hand and hugs her the longest. Soon everyone moves away and begins to leave. Leaving only Steve and Natasha. Yelena goes to the Steve and Natasha's house to wait for them.


"I woke up at the top of the cliff and I had one Pym Particle left so here I am,"

"And why not come back sooner?"

"Well I may of accidently ended up a year from today. So I had to find Pym and then I came back three days ago. Plus I wanted to be dramatic,"

"Damn you Natasha. You almost missed our wedding date,"

"Ya I think we may need to push the back a week or two," She laughs. Natasha kisses Steve and he carries her bridal style to the car. The entire drive home, Steve never lets go of Natasha's hand. She thinks he never will, that's ok with her. When they arrive home, Yelena is already waiting for them with a bottle of Vodka. They crack it open and drink until Yelena goes up to the guest room to sleep. Leaving only Steve and Nat downstairs.

--- --- --- --- ---

Natasha is straddling Steve's lap, laying her head on his chest. Feeling his heart beat with her hand over his chest. Steve has his nose buried in her hair. Neither of them move for what must be and hour. Natasha sits up eventually and pulls a necklace, that dangles in her shirt. On the metal chain is her engagment ring. She keeps it on a chain for safe keeping. The redhead holds it tightly in her fist.

"I love you Steve Rogers,"

"And I love you Natasha, soon to be, Rogers,"

"Who says I'm taking your last name?"

"Natasha Rogers sounds great that's all,"

"You should take my last name," She laughs.

"Oh ya?" Steve laughs. Picking her up and pinning her to the couch.

"You gonna make me Rogers?"

"Well I guess we'll see," He whispers into her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

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