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"Holy shit! What happened to you?" Ethan asked as I walked out of my class.

"Abusive step-father." I muttered, walking towards the lunch room.

All of my friends, Mia, Marie, Savannah, and now Ethan had asked me what happened. Others just stared and whispered. I may not be able to beat the shit out of my step-dad, but I can beat their ass. Why can't they just grow some balls and ask me what happened? Not like I'd tell them, but they could have some respect.

Ethan ignored my grumpiness and turned to the others. They started talking and I took my lunch to the library. I'm not ready for the whole cafeteria to be whispering about me because they have nothing better to do. I ate my lunch slowly, there's no rush. I heard the library door open and saw Derrick walking towards me. He sat down beside me and I quickly hid my face.

"Explain to me why people are talking about your face and your neck? Did lover boy get too aggressive?" Derrick half-joked.

"I wish that was what happened." I said, picking at my food.

Derrick pushed my hair behind my ear and pulled me to him. I kept my head down, but he pushed it up so he could get a better view.

"What the hell happened?" Derrick asked softly, his eyes softening.

"I fell down the stairs." I lied.

"And the stairs choked you?"


"I'm not that stupid, who did it?"

"'The stairs!"

"It wasn't the stairs. Was it your dad?"

"My step-dad..."

Derrick sighed and pulled me onto his lap. He touched the bruise on my face and I flinched. I bit my lip as he stared at me. What does he think of me? Does he think I'm a mess? Does he hate me? Can he relate? Most people act out because of things at home, right? Or does he do it for shits and giggles? So many questions and no answers.

After staring at me, he sighed once again and hugged me. A real hug. I hugged him back. No one has hugged me in forever. I instantly relaxed and enjoyed the hug. It felt nice, it was warm and loving. Or liking. Or loving in an friend way. Wow, I over think too much. Does he know what it's like to be in my position? Of course not, he's way too strong for that. Physically and mentally.

"Thank you." I mumbled into him.

"For what?" Derrick asked.

"For not judging or freaking out... and hugging me. I haven't been hugged in years."

"Oh, well you're welcome, I guess."

We stayed like that for the rest of lunch. I threw my food in a random trash can and walked to my last class. We have lunch late, but last year it was my second class. That was useless information, but whatever. After last class, I took my time to walk to my car. I climbed into my car, which is a 2014 white Range Rover.

I arrived home and walked into the kitchen, hoping to find my dad, but I didn't. Guess he's at work or whatever. Come to think of it, I don't know where he works or what he is. He must have a good paying job to afford this house and stuff. Unless he's a drug dealer. I pushed that thought out of my mind, the way my dad dresses gives away that he could never be a drug dealer.

I walked up to my room and played on my Xbox. Yes, a girl can have an Xbox, do you have a freaking problem? After a few hours of playing, my phone buzzed.

Derrick- Want to go somewhere?

Summer- Sure, where to?

Derrick- Surprise, wear sweats

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