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"Hi!" I said to a stranger drunkly.

I was at a party wearing a bright red dress and red lipstick. I was drunk off my rockers and had no idea why my makeup wasn't messed up. It was the day before Valentine's Day and there was a party, so of course I was at it. My hair was tied up with a bright pink bow and my shoes were pink too.

"Well hello there, pretty." The stranger said to me, he wasn't as drunk as me.

"Well, goodbye." I said before skipping into the kitchen, where I got up on the table.

First I did the disco, which turned into Mia joining me and we salsa danced. We were growing a crowd very quickly. Time to turn this up. We danced the 'stanky' leg before the Birdie song came on. Of course, we had to do the chicken dance. Clap, wings, wiggle. The guys at the party got a kick out of the 'wiggle' part. Mia nor I actually cared, we just kept dancing until another song came on.

Regular songs came back on, so we club danced. Mia had the same dress as me, but it was pink, just like her lipstick. She had red shoes and a red bow in her hair. Our dresses ended an inch or two above our knees.

Next Day

I woke up the next day will a terrible headache. Groaning, I pulled myself out of my bed. I grabbed Mia by her hair and dragged her off my bed and she feel to the ground with a tumble. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower, getting the knots out of my hair. After I was finished and had a towel wrapped around me, I walked into my room. I picked out my under garments and a big t-shirt.

Mia was still asleep, so I dragged her in the bathroom, threw her in the shower, and turned the water on. I threw her stuff in there and shut the door before starting on my hair. After my hair and makeup was finished, Mia came out almost completely ready.

Today we were just meeting up with everyone else, including Derrick. We were all just going to stay at my house and play some games while drinking, since my dad was out of town.

I wore a white sweater with a red heart in the middle and skinny jeans with red red heels. Mia wore a red dress with white polka dots and red heels with her hair curled. Just because we're hanging out at home with friends doesn't mean we can't dress up, right? We're girls and that's what we do, so get over it, kay?

Marie, Savannah, Ethan, and Derrick showed up at 1 P.M. I bought booze earlier, so we can get wasted. We sat down on the floor and started playing 'Never Have I Ever'. It's basically a game where you say something you've never done and if the others have, they take a drink. Marie went first.

"Never have I ever had sex on Valentine's day." Marie said shyly.

I drank, as everyone stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Who was it?" Mia asked.

"I don't remember his name. Okay, my turn. Never have I ever had sex with someone at the same school as me." I changed the subject.

Mia, Marie, Savannah, Ethan, and Derrick all drank. Yes, I have took the time to make sure I never slept with anyone at my school.

"How did you manage to do that? Are they all ugly?" Savannah asked.

"Believe me, hell no. It was quite easy actually, just went to different parties." I answered.

Now it was Derrick's turn.

"Uh, never have I ever had a New Year's kiss." Derrick said boldly.

Ethan and I took a drink and refilled our glasses. It was now Savannah's turn.

Red, Hot LipsWhere stories live. Discover now