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"So, tell me about Saige." Derrick said, staring at me.

"The same girl you dated, just a lesbian." I answered, focusing on the pancakes I was cooking.

My dad had already left and I was glad. He'd lose his shit if he saw Derrick here.

"Yeah, that was a plot twist." Derrick laughed.

I glared and handed him an apple, "Let's see if this works out like Snow White, plot twist, not even your right lover could get you out of the coma."

I've never actually seen Snow White, so don't yell at me if she wasn't the Princess in a coma because of the apple that the witch gave her.

"Yeah... Keep the apple I'm not dying today." Derrick said, pushing the apple towards me.

I turned around and looked at him, "Scared of what a girl can do to you?" I teased.

"Not just any girl, you. You'd have a better chance of poisoning me than any other girl." Derrick stated.

"That reminds me. The first day we met, why weren't you drinking?" I asked.

"Poison reminded you of the first day we met?"

"Alcohol, poison, same thing. Spill."

"I was with Saige and she was drunk."

"I'd remember seeing Saige, she's hard to forget. She wasn't there. I've never asked you a question like this, I even turned down when you offered to tell me something. Now spill or I really will poison you."

He chewed his bottom lip, "I wasn't drinking because the last time I drank at a party a girl put something in my drink so I'd sleep with her."

"I was tempted to do the same thing, but you weren't drinking."

"Oh and now that we're talking about that night, you weren't that drunk yourself."

I laughed, "My friends dared me to sleep with a guy, but I thought I might want to remember who it was."

"Really? So who was it?" Derrick was getting more interested.

I sighed and turned the stove off before turning back to him.

"It wasn't anyone, I walked out after talking to you and asked one of my friends to drive me home. How'd you know where I lived, by the way?"

"One of your friends came up to me after you left. Her arm said, 'If found Summer, return her to .......'"

"Oh my god!"

"I also remember how you approached me, you were surprised how drunk you sounded!"

"Usually I can contain myself."

"You asked if I was a serial killer then you skipped away!"

"Because you said I'd be running."

"But you didn't, you skipped because I wasn't a serial killer."

"Yeah... I was sobering up."

He got dangerously close to me.

"Yeah, talking to that Ethan guy really sobered you up." Derrick joked.

"That was the cold. And I was pissed off a bit."

"And why was that?"

"Because he acted like having a record was a huge deal."

"You couldn't have done anything bad. What'd you do, steal candy from the candy store?"

"No, I stole a TV. And for your information, you shouldn't be judging Mr. Breaking and Entering."

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