Nevermind (Stucky)

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Hey, sorry for not updating in a while. This is a Stucky, well at the the start, with some background IronStrange.

Enjoy! 💙


Bucky stood frozen.

He had just walked into the bedroom of the small Brooklyn apartment he and his boyfriend Steve owned, to find said man cheating on him.

In his own home. With Sharon Carter.

He rushed out of the apartment building, tears streaming down his face, got into his car and drove to the first place he thought of where he knew he would be safe.

When he knocked, the door was opened by a bouncy Peter Parker, who immediately dropped his smile when he was Bucky's fast stained face.

Bucky and Peter got on splendidly, due to them both being taken by HYDRA ( obviously at separate times, and Peter's adopted dad, Tony Stark-Strange, had found him before they could do anything to the young arachnid) and Peter's Aunt May had welcomed Bucky with open arms, treating him like he was her own nephew.

So when Peter and May was Bucky at May's door, eyes red and face wet, they immediately let him and and began plotting the downfall of whoever had made him so upset.

"Come on, dear, " May said, as she led Bucky over to the couch in the middle of the sitting room. Peter, who must have been visiting his aunt that weekend, sat down beside him and asked what was wrong.

"Hey, Buck. Could you please tell us what's up?" Peter said softly, not wanting to frighten the super soldier.

Bucky sniffed,before crying again and choking out some words. "Steve....he..he...cheat....Sharon Carter..." before breaking down completely and sobbing into Peter's chest. Peter was confused, having never seen Bucky like this before but he was also feeling mega protective over him.

May suddenly spoke up saying, "Peter's old room is still free. You could stay here until this all gets sorted out if you want. "

Bucky nodded his head and thanked her profusely, whilst Peter and May shared a look, and began plotting what they could do to Steve.

--Time Skip brought to you by Trixie--

It was about a week later and surprisingly no one had found out about Steve cheating. But tonight was the night when that would all change.

It was the Avengers monthly karaoke night and everyone was there.

So far, Tony had sung Driven to Tears by Sting, Stephen had sung Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd, Clint had sung his own song called I've Got Powers Too and Peter had gotten up and did a full on lip sync performance to Umbrella by Rhianna, and Bucky was up next. (I'll link all the songs mentioned at the end 💙)

"Okay guys, I'm not gonna say what song I'm singing but this is because of something that happened recently that most of you don't know about." The Avengers, minus Peter and Steve, looked confused, but nodded as Bucky started singing.

Nevermind tomorrow

Nevermind the fall

Nevermind the worry

If I'm standing next to you

I held you in the morning

And I kissed you late at night

Nevermind, nevermind, nevermind

Who was wrong or right

You said I'm lazy

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