Avengers Groupchat

352 8 14

Here is an Avengers groupchat
Ships: IronStrange, Stucky, Thruce


Spideyboi started a chat
Spideyboi added TinCan, MisterDoctorWizard, DaPSA's, Buckaroo, WarMachineRockz, HawkMan, Spiderboss, GreenGiant, PointBreak, TicTac, PinkPather, MemeQueen, StabbyStabby, Witch1, Wall-E, and BigBird to the chat

Spideyboi: Oml, I think I just found my OTP!!!

HawkMan: Who?!?! (Btw, for all you oldies, OTP means 'One True Pairing' and refers to the two people who the Spider-Kid thinks would make the cutest couple)

DaPSA's: The for that, Clint, but I think we've all spent enough time with Peter to know what OTP and shipping are.

Buckaroo: Yeah!

TicTac: ^

HawkMan: Jeez, just trying to help. But seriously, Pete, who?!

Spideyboi: Well...the ship name is IronStrange!!!

HawkMan: My...god!!! That would be adorable!! #OTP

MemeQueen: ^

StabbyStabby: ^^

WarMachineRockz: ^^^

GreenGiant: ^^^^








BigBird: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

TinCan: Ugh...

MisterDoctorWizard: ......

Spiderboss: I totally agree with you but guys, y'all too late. Look at this photo I took 4 days ago.

MisterDoctorWizard: Nat, don't you dare.

TinCan: Plz!!

                                                                 Spiderboss sent an image

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Avengers (Mainly IronStrange) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now