Levi (IronStrange)

481 9 17

Okay, here is my first oneshot. I love this prompt and thought I'd do one of my own. Sorry it's short, the next ones will be longer.



There was one thing Doctor Stephen Strange would never tell anyone. Not a soul. Not even Peter Parker (Spider-Man and soon to be Stark). He never told anyone because he thought nothing would come if it.

He had the biggest crush on Tony Stark.

He had fallen so hard for the man, but did nothing to announce it, because he was pretty sure Tony was as straight as a flag pole.

Little did Stephen know the genius, billionaire, ex-playboy, philanthropist had fallen hard for the Master of the Mystic Arts, but hadn't acted upon his feelings as he thought the same, that Stephen was straight.

So neither of them did anything, just went about their lives, pining after each other and oblivious to the others feelings, and also oblivious to the fact that it obvious to the other Avengers that the two liked each other but they said nothing about it.

So round and round they went, not doing anything, until one day when the Cloak of Levitation (Levi as Peter calls it) had had enough.

Tony, Steve, Nat, Thor, Bruce and Clint had come back from raiding a Hydra base, all unharmed. Well, I say all unharmed, Tony had somehow managed to sprain his ankle, but he wasn't in too much pain and could walk, with a slight limp.

Tony walked into the common room of Avengers Tower the day after the mission, wearing his usual crisp suit and sunglasses, to see Stephen sitting on the couch with Levi on his shoulders, drinking chamamille tea and reading a book. He looked over his shoulder as the elevator doors opened, and when he saw it was Tony, he put his book and tea down and walked over.

"You're up," Stephen said, his mind going blank for a minute when he saw Tony.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock," Tony retorted, chuckling.

"It's great to see you walking better, Tony. Please try and be careful next time," Stephen said, assessing the way Tony was standing to make sure he wasn't still in pain.

Tony was a little annoyed at what Stephen and just said. It was the same thing he said  every time Tony came back from a mission hurt. He didn't know why it made him slightly angry to hear this coming from the man he secretly loved, but it did.

"You keep saying 'be careful' and telling me how you worry, and insisting you help me with thing, and --"

"Because I do worry!"

"Well, you shouldn't! I'm just as capable of looking after myself as you are!"

Stephen took a step towards Tony, but Tony held his ground. "Believe me, Tony," Stephen growled, his eyes flashing, "I know you can look after yourself. But I worry because I care. Gods help me, I know I shouldn't, but I do. So I will always tell you to be careful, because I will always care what happens."

Tony blinked. "Oh," was all he managed before they were both pulled chest to chest by some unseen force.

That unseen force just so happened to be Levi, who had decided to wrap around Stark, whilst still attached to Strange.

Both men blushed bright red at being chest to chest. Well, in Tony's case it was more like head to neck.

Stephen looked down at Tony apologetically, as Levi wrapped around them tighter. "I...I'm r.. really sorry," he stuttered, "I don't know what's gotten into it."

Tony tilted his head up and scrunched his nose. "I really wish my hands were free so I could take off these sunglasses." Indeed, Tony still had his normal sunglasses on. Stephen's hands were trapped as so Levi decided to be a bit nice and reached out and took Stark's sunglasses off his face.

It was at that moment Stephen hated Levi more than ever, because as he looked down, he was met with the full force of Tony Stark's eyes. The whiskey colour, flecked with honey-gold, captured Stephen. "Your eyes are beautiful," he said without thinking.

Tony was still for a moment, all his one-liner replies that paired with a wink could get anyone in his bed, running through his head. But they all disappeared as he looked into the pools of blue-green-grey, that looked like their own universe, and felt himself drowning in them.

"Thanks," was his murmured reply, followed by, "Your eyes are pretty amazing too."

Stephen blushed again "Thanks."

Levi suddenly to wrap around them tighter, and Stephen sighed. Gathering his courage, he did something he hoped he wouldn't regret. "There's something I want to try," he muttered, not looking Tony in the eye.

"What?" Tony said, confused as he heard Stephen mutter something unintelligible. Stephen finally met Tony's eyes.

"I said, there's something I want to try, and it could either go immensely right or immensely wrong. Just, please don't get angry," Stephen finished with a sigh. Tony just nodded, not saying anything, confused about what was happening.

So the Stephen lent down and brushed his lips against Tony's. It was soft and gentle, and only lasted a few seconds, before Stephen pulled away. At that moment Levi must have thought that it was a step closer to what it wanted, as the  tightness loosened slightly and both men found their hands free.

The first thing Stephen did with his free hands was run his fingers through his hair. "Sorry," he said awkwardly, looking anywhere but at Tony, "I don't think I was in my right mind. Now that you know I like you, I can leave, and we don't have to speak to each other, and --"

He was cut off by Tony wrapping his arms around his neck and smashing his lips against Stephen's again. Stephen immediately kissed back and placed his hands on Tony's waist, just as Tony began to run his fingers through Stephen's hair. After about a minute, Stephen's tongue darted out to pick across Tony's bottom lip. Tony gladly let Stephen in, loving the feeling of being dominated for once. Stephen explored Tony's mouth, rolling his tongue around Stark's, causing Tony to moan. Stephen chuckled at this.

Both men were so wrapped up in each other they didn't notice that Levi had unwrapped from around them and floated away to tell Peter, its job obviously done.

Eventually they had break the kiss because, you know, air. That's when they noticed Levi's absence and Stephen chuckled.

"Well, at least we know what it wanted," he said, earning a laugh from Tony.

"Yeah," he replied, "For once I didn't do anything wrong." This caused Stephen to chuckle again.

"For once shut up, and kiss me again," he said, moving his face back towards Tony's.

For once, Tony listened.


That's my first one finished! Hope you enjoyed it.

If you have any requests, you can comment or message me.

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Love you 3000 💙

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