The Meeting (IronStrange)

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It was a few months after the whole Thanos fiasco, and all the Avengers were sitting and a SHIELD meeting with Fury. Yes, even Tony and Natasha, they had managed to get them back.

It was a normal SHIELD meeting, Fury was telling about something, no one else gave a damn, they all just sat and talked all g themselves, at one point Peter suddenly burst out singing Guns and Ships from Hamilton, but nobody acknowledged that.

So, yeah, just a normal meeting, apart from the fact that Stephen Strange was there and looked to be taking notes. Occasionally, he would look up at Tony, who sat across from him, then back down at his notes, looking very focused on what he was doing.

Suddenly everyone quieted (is that a word??) down as Fury yelled, "Why can't you all just be like Strange over there?" He shouted, pointing at Stephen, "Actually listening to me!"

At the sound of his name Stephen's head shot up, a look of confusion on his face.

"Wait, what? I was drawing Tony," he said, blushing slightly.

Everyone turned their heads to Tony, who was bright red. Tony asked shyly, "Can I see it?"

Stephen blushed harder, nodding slightly as he said the drawing across the table to Tony.

'Stephen is an AMAZING artist!' Tony thought as he looked at the drawing. It was perfect. He had captured Tony so well, even the eyes looked realistic.

"That is amazing Stephen!" Tony exclaimed, earning a round it 'aww's' from the team.

Loki walked in just then, having not been in time (again, might I add) and was slightly confused.

"What'd I miss?"


Two parts in one day!! Sorry it's so short, I just wanted to get something fluffy out after the last one. I have some requests that I am working on so this will probably be updated next week.

See ya for now!!

Love you 3000 💙

Avengers (Mainly IronStrange) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now