Buring Light Years Away.

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Sharon frowned distastefully at the man in front of her. "This better leave no trace. I don't want to be connected to the accident. "

The man smiled, "Madame, no one will know what happened to her."


Ambar couldn't believe she was locked in with Luna. Her plan to frame Luna was slowly falling apart. First that idiot Pedro had locked her into the changing room, and now it would take someone from the roller band 30 minutes to arrive because they had gone out for dinner. At the moment she was on a call with Matteo. He was offering to have his chauffeur drive him over and drive Ambar and Luna home after one of the guys were able to open the rink.

"I'll be there in 15 minutes," he promised. He sounded distracted. In the background you could hear the car rumble.

Ambar had a feeling this had more to do with Luna than it had to do with wanting to support her in her time of frustration. But at least it was an effort on his part.

"Don't bother, if you saw the group chat then you know Simon and Pedro will be here in half an hour. Plus you will see Luna tomorrow, you can talk to her then. " She hated being second best in Matteo's eyes, but it was nothing she had control over at this point.

"Ambar, I'll be there soon," Matteo repeated, "just sit tight, okay?"

Ambar sat down on one of the cafeteria chairs and shook her head. "Okay, see you then."

"Ambar come here!" Luna called out with a slight panic. Ambar was used to Luna yelling for no real reason, and did not pay attention to it. Luna's yelling drived her godmother crazy. She was always yelling in the kitchen, and sometimes the whole staff would join and create a whole racket. How was such a tiny person so loud?

"Was that Luna?" Matteo asked, worry peeking out of his voice, "is everything okay? Is she okay?"

"She is fine, ugh, she probably found a new step for the choreography and wants to show it to me."

"She doesn't sound-

A loud sound boomed in the background, crashing with a terrible echo.

Ambar never heard the end of the sentence, because even as the smoke started to pour into the cafeteria room, Ambar was already running towards the rink.


Something unlocked within Luna as the roof exploded. As her body flew across the room, with the bundle of wooden shards and metal pieces, she was hit with a major deja vu. It was as if she had done this before, the explosion, the smoke, even calling out to Ambar. This moment of revelation was short lived. As she hit the floor Luna blacked out, it all faded away.


Fire had always given Ambar a sense of urgency, it was a force of nature that she respected. It had taken away her family, and because of it she was always hypervigilant of flames and what they could do.

Her godmother hated fire. It reminded her of the Benson fire. Growing up they did not use their chimney or used scented candles, it made Sharon paranoid. Sharon did however always state that fire brought Ambar back to her. Whatever that meant. The thought of something so destructive protecting her always made her uneasy.

Ambar tried to think straight, but there was something that kept pulling her back to her dream. Her dream of her chasing Luna across the Mansion and.... and...through fire, the Benson fire. The dream was foggy, as if every time she almost put the puzzle together, it would fall apart.

The rink was on fire. The walls and ceiling were covered in fire and the flames slowly crawled across the rink itself. Smoke filled the room and pulled at her lungs with force. It was like breathing toxic gas.

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