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Pulling out oatmilk from the fridge, Nina rubbed her eyes and let out a loud sigh. Luna was barely waking up, and knowing her, Nina knew that Luna would not be down for another twenty minutes. Which was alright with Nina. After everything that happened last week, the lies had not yet settled under the bridge.

Why didn't Luna tell her anything until now? Weren't they best friends? When did Luna go from not trusting her, and trusting the one person in this town who used to do anything to get rid of Luna? When did Luna start choosing Amabr over her?

It was all too much. Gaston felt the same way. He was more upset about the fact that it took Matteo this long to tell them, Nina was more upset because her mom could have helped, she could have helped. And yet Luna and Matteo said nothing and continued to create more messes. Nina muttered under her breath. She knew it wasn't fair to judge them in this way, especially since fear is a good reason why people stay quiet. But it stung like fire to feel mistrusted.

"Hola Amor," Nina's mom said as she entered. "Is Luna up?" Nina shook her head and sat down with her cup of milk. "I am guessing things are still a bit messy."

Nina stired her spoon in her cup. "More than a bit mom, I just can't believe she would hide this from me for so long!" Tears formed in the edges of Nina's eyes. "I-I just don't know if I can move on from this so quickly, so easily. Two weeks have passed by and I still have this hole in my stomach."

Nina's mom sat down next to her daughter and sighed. "It's not going to be easy. And Luna should have said something to an adult months ago, but there isn't anything we can do now but try to help them. And Luna's parents still aren't answering my calls. Sharon isn't letting anyone call in or out of the mansion because of a "security breach". They need to know what is going on."

Nina put her head on the table and closed her eyes. "I think I need some space," she said quietly. "Could I go hangout with Gaston later today? I think Luna wanted to see Matteo anyway."

Nina's mom kissed her head. "Of course."

A buzzing sound came from Nina's phone. "Oh it's Gaston, he is asking if he and Matteo can have breakfast with us."

Nina's mom turned on the stove, "that's fine with me, but you better go upstairs and warn Luna."


Ducking away from the view of the kitchen Luna tried to hold it together. Running upstairs she pretended to be barely getting dressed. "Luna, Matteo and Gaston are coming for breakfast. I was thinking we could then maybe go to the park and we could spend some time alone with our boyfriends and then meet up before coming back home," Nina called as she walked into the room they were sharing.

Luna nodded a bit too much, pretending to not know that the real reason was that Nina needed some space, "okay sounds good. I will be right down to help with breakfast." Nina nodded and began to turn away. "Wait! -I mean, Nina I know this isn't going how either of us planned. I never wanted to put you in this position and I majorly screwed this up. But please give me a chance to try to fix this! I would do anything for you."

Nina's voice went quiet, "I would too, so why didn't you tell me?"

Luna shrunk in her standing place. Nina was right, Luna had no good reason but fear and not wanting to upset Ambar that she didn't tell Nina. She didn't tell her best friend, the one person she should have told. "You're right," Luna said softly. "I am so sorry."

Nina shook her head, "I know, I just need time okay?"

Luna nodded.


Mora kissed Ana good morning as she waved to the group. "Ah! All the couples are here this morning. Good to see you both gentlemen." Matteo and Gaston politely said their hellos.

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