What we were always meant to be.

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Matteo Drools In His Sleep Chat

4:03pm, Luna: Good Luck at your internship
4:09pm, Ambar: I don't need luck
4:16pm, Matteo: She needs professional help XD


Simon waved enthusiastically, jumping on his toes and beaming. Walking down the busy Buenos Aires street, Ambar's focus was elsewhere. "Bonita!" Her hand quickly pushed her white phone case into her bag and she quickly turned around. Her smile was as radiant as all the stars combined.

Simon sighed with glee. Ambar looked as beautiful as ever. Her presence was so peaceful and present. Simon shook his head, heavily aware of the stupid smile on this face.

He always felt that Ambar was different, she was special. And the last week proved it. She was like a bright flower growing in a shadowed habitat. Once you gave it a bit of sunlight and care it became the bell of the ball, and its authentic self. It just took Ambar some time and support to see her smile and blossom as the girl Simon knew Ambar was. The sweet flower lightening up his life.

"Simon? I didn't expect to see you here." Ambar laughed slightly and Simon noticed how her her shoulders relaxed as she waited for him to catch up to her.

"I thought I would come wish you good luck on your internship, and walk you there." He pulled out a bag of cookies from his bag and handed them to her. "For good luck. Luna let me know you liked chocolate chips."

Ambar tiled her head sideways as pulled out a single cookie and took a bite. Her face brightened as she took a second bite. "Simon, these are amazing! You made these?"

Simon interlocked his fingers with hers. He could feel how the warmth of her skin rushed through him like lightning. They continued walking. "With a little help from Nico, Pedro offered to help but as you know-"

"Pedro can't cook," they said in unison and they burst in laughter. "You will have to invite me over to help make some of these sometime, they are amazing."

Simon kissed her on the cheek. "Of course my lady. Are you ready for the internship?"

"No, I mean yes, I mean kind of? With Sharon hiding things about my bio mom from me, and me not really trusting Sharon, it's a bit confusing. But it is a great opportunity for my career, and maybe this will get me the chance to talk to Sharon so I can ask her about my bio mom." Simon nodded, and pulled her into a side hug.

"You are going to do great." He kissed her hand, "and I am here for you every step of the way. Have you thought about contacting your bio mom?" Ambar's eyes darkened. She shook her head. Simon took his queue to kiss her hand again and spin her around "Then let's think about something else? How about our next date?"

Ambar beamed. She could get used to this.


The man in black rolled his eyes as he noted down once again where the two little girls were heading and who with. The blonde has become boyfriends with the moon child's best friend. And the moon child was out with the blond's ex boyfriend. It was odd but also not his business. Maybe by not telling Sharon that these two girls were obviously still talking some way or another he could get back at her. He was supposed to be doing more than this, this was not his job description.

But since he failed to get the key back before Julio left and failed to kill the moon girl, he was stuck babysitting.

Soon he would get the upper hand and get out of this stupid town.


"Nina, Gaston!" Luna called out, as she pulled Matteo's hand through the busy school halls. "Wait for us! Matteo and I are going to the park before practice, and want to come?" Nina and Gaston were comparing some photos on Nina's Camera. Luna peeked over her shoulder, "I like the one from the park."

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