Chapter One

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Brinley's Pov
I was walking down the sidewalk to the abandon lot. It wasn't a very popular place. Nobody really hung out there. Before I left my house, I told my mom I was going on a walk. She lets me do what I want. I liked to go on walks. They usually take me to the lot. I like to sit and think at the lot. Sometimes I read or write. Sometimes I even come at night and watch the sunset or stargaze.

I opened the metal gate of the lot and went in. A big tree sat off to the side. I called it my tree. I walked over to the tree and took off a piece of dead bark, revealing a hollow part of the tree. Inside was a book and a notebook with a pen. They were my stuff. No one knew about them. Well, that was because I didn't have anyone to tell about it. I grabbed my notebook and sat down against the tree. I jotted down the date and began to write about my day.

Dear Journal,
Today I woke up sad again. I miss dad. He is in Iraq right now. Hopefully he'll come home soon. My mom let me go on a walk again. Sometimes I wish she would say no. But she never does. I feel lonely. No dad to play with. No mom to talk to. And no friends. Maybe someday.
Brinley Marie

I closed my notebook and put it back into the hole. I grabbed the bark and covered up the hole. I looked around and sighed. No one was here. I've not really seen people here too often. I got up and walked back to the gate. I closed the gate as I exited and began my walk back home.

While walking, I heard some laughing and saw a group of boys. They looked so close. Some looked alike. They were having fun, you could tell. I kept my head down as I walked past them. I didn't think they noticed me until one spoke up.

"Are you Brinley Marie?"

I turned around to see a boy with dark golden hair and blue eyes. He was awful handsome. I nodded and he smiled.

"I saw your spot in the tree. I didn't mean to. I accidentally bumped into the tree and it fell. Don't worry, I didn't read the notebook. Didn't want to invade on your personal stuff. It's really cool though," he said smiling a bit awkward after rambling.

I laughed and smiled. "Thanks. What's your name?" I was surprised I even responded. I was really shy.

"It's Sodapop. You can call me Soda," he said grinning. He turned and looked where his gang was. "Oh gosh. I gotta go. If you ever wanna hang out, I'd love to," he said smiling.

I nodded and smiled. "I'd love to. How about tomorrow at the lot? I'll be there at 2," I said.

He smiled and nodded. "See ya tomorrow, Brinley," he said running back off.

I waved even though he couldn't see. I turned back around and continued my journey back home, smiling while I walked.


I was sitting at my tree, reading. Soda got off work in an hour. He said he was gonna meet me here. I sat my book on my chest and looked up at the clouds. I smiled. Every time I look at the clouds, I feel like my dad is staring back at me. He died in Iraq a couple days after meeting Soda. Soda was there for me the whole time. We barely even knew each other and he gave me more comfort than my mom did. Me and Soda are best friends. It all started on that day.

I put my book up back into the tree and sat up. I could see Soda in the distance. I got up and walked towards him, meeting him half way. I jumped into his arms and hugged him.

"Gosh, Brin, did you miss me that much?" He said laughing.

I fake punched his arm and smiled. "Nah, I was just bored."

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