45. The Barns.

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When Jon's alarm rang at 8 a.m. Saturday morning, Kurt's arms wrapped around his waist, keeping him from getting out of bed. "What time is it?" Kurt groaned from under the blankets.

"Time to do homework," Jon said, "If I want to spend the rest of the weekend with you."

Kurt nuzzled his face into his back. "Don't you sleep in on Saturday?"

Jon laughed softly, freeing himself from Kurt's arms. "Yeah. This is."

Kurt rolled over, smushing his face into his pillow. "I'm not getting' up till noon," he grumbled. "S'gonna be a long night."

It was well past noon, and Jon was writing the last details of a bibliography for his last essay when he heard the shower start upstairs. He lifted his head, and got up to start the coffee. There was a little buzz of anxiety in his stomach for Kurt, thinking about the packed venue his boyfriend would be playing tonight. The idea of standing in the spotlight in front of all those people carrying the full show sounded terrifying to Jon.

When Kurt padded into the kitchen, it was obvious he was more than ready for the spotlight. His white-blond hair was tousled in artfully messy chunks over his dramatically painted eyes. A sleeveless sequinned top draped his lean body, shimmering when he moved. His feet were bare below his black skinny jeans, and he held up a heel in one hand and his cowboy boot in the other.

"White, I can't decide."

Jon's mouth was hanging open and he quickly closed it, feeling his cheeks pink up. "Uh... what are your options?"

Kurt looked from the shoe to the boot, swivelling his hips in a way that made it hard for Jon to keep his eyes on his face. "Well Nicky wants a more mainstream look tonight so I think maybe my boots. But they're kinda scuffed up compared to--" He gestured over his sequinned body.

"Uh-huh, true," Jon said, like he knew anything about fashion. "So which do you want?"

Kurt slowly raised the nude, patent heel to cover his grinning mouth, his blue eyes sparkling.

Jon laughed. "Definitely the heels then."

His boyfriend slid them on and threw his arms in the air, turning for Jon to admire. "Good? How do I look?"

"Hella hot," Jon said, a little breathlessly. "No one's going to be able to take their eyes off you." He bit his lip. "Will it wreck your make up if I kiss you right now?"

"Nuh-uh." Kurt shook his head, his lips curling up in a smile. "I can do it again."

Jon hopped his butt up onto the counter. "C'mere," he said, reaching out his hands. "I need a little boost to reach you." He wrapped his legs around Kurt's hips as they kissed, sighing with contentment as he stroked his fingers over the skin of his boyfriend's bare arms.

Eyes closed, Kurt played a chord on Jon's chest. "Tonight is going to be epic, obviously. But I feel like tomorrow is going to be even more epic. How would you like to drive out to Jasper for some mountain views?"

"I would love it," Jon said.

Kurt chuckled a little, looking at him through his eyelashes. "The times are a-changing, Jon. I blame your sweet honey lips." He leaned in for one more taste, and sighed. "Gotta get to work, love. I'm taking the truck, yes?"

Jon's eyebrows lifted. "No, Cary has it. He's spending the day at the folks."

"Shit, I'm so stupid." Kurt rapped his knuckles against his forehead. "Plan. A. Head."

Jon dropped lightly off the counter. "I'll just take you. I'm pretty much done this paper and I need to drive up to campus to hand it in anyways. When's your car out of the shop?"

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