28. Smorgasbord of men.

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When Rev. Marisol lifted her hands to bless and dismiss them, Kurt was out of the pew a step ahead of everyone else. Jon followed, laughing a little as Kurt ran down the steps of the church to the car, and then put his hands on his knees to catch his breath. His boyfriend's blue eyes found his, grinning back at him. Jon knew him well enough now to know there was a grain of truth and a generous helping of drama in Kurt's emotional performances.

On the way home, Jon asked. "How was that for you?"

"Oh my god so lonnnnng." Kurt groaned. "Were our church services always so long?"

"Shorter sermon," Jon pointed out.

Kurt gave himself a shake, like a dog shedding water. "Let's do something today, White. Let's go somewhere."

Jon glanced warily at him.

Kurt's face lit up, his hands talking with his words. "What if we drive to Red Deer? That's an hour and a half away. And go for lunch and walk in a park and just—be somewhere together."

Jon's face slowly loosened--it was a completely viable idea. "Are you asking me out on a date, Kurt Visser?"

"Yes!" Kurt slapped the dashboard. "I am asking you out on a date, Jon White!"

Jon wrinkled his nose at him. "You expect me to be seen in public with you, in that outfit?"

Kurt's lips curled, pleased. "Obviously we'll go home to change first."

"Then yes," Jon said. "It's a date."

At home, Jon leaned in the doorway of Kurt's room, watching his boyfriend open every drawer. Finally, Kurt threw his robe over his black ensemble, spinning to make it flare around him. "Better?" he asked.

Jon crossed the room and reached up to pull Kurt's hair out of the elastic, messing it up so it fell over his forehead and tucking it behind his ear. "Better," he agreed.

Kurt took a step back to study him, looking pained. "Is that what you're wearing?"

Jon shrugged. "It's this or the damned hoodie."

Circling him, Kurt gathered the sides of Jon's sweater in his hands. "Why are all of your clothes so big? If you're going to wear a grey poly-blend could you at least wear one that fits?"

Jon laughed a little. "I don't know--I though this did fit."

Kurt walked Jon to stand in front of the full-length mirror on his door, his eyes wide and appalled. "Bish, I could literally climb inside this sweater and join you."

Jon shrugged, amused. "I mean, not literally, but it might be fun to try."

Kurt was riffling through his closet, and he held up a warning finger behind him. "Don't tempt me." He pulled a shirt off the hanger, tugging tags off as he handed it over. "Try this."

It was a button-down short sleeve, in a coppery brown colour, with embroidered chrysanthemums gleaming gold all over the fabric. Kurt watched him, fingers over his mouth as Jon shucked off the offending sweater and Tshirt as one and pulled on the button-up instead. It was snug enough to touch the skin of his body and Jon shrugged his shoulders a little, uncomfortable with how exposed he felt in it.

Kurt bit his lip, his eyes sparkling behind him. "That fits."

Jon glowered at his reflection, his fists closing at his sides. "I look tiny," he said. The fit of the shirt made his compact frame blatantly obvious. Either of his housemates could have circled his waist with their normal-sized-man hands and touched their fingers on both sides.

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