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‘Wake up, little one.’ I hear Harry’s voice bringing me out of my amazing sleep. I never knew what a good sleeping couch I had. Harry mentioned it a couple of times, but this night was the first night I actually could witness it myself. ‘Rise and shine. The kids are waiting.’ I hear him chuckle.

‘That sounds weird.’ I croak out, peeking through one eye, but quickly closing it again because of the light of the room. ‘Like you and I would have…’ I pause right away and I hear him go silent just like me.

‘No.’ We both say at the same time, making me giggle while stretching myself.

‘I’ll bring you to your work.’ Harry continues while I see him making some tea for the both of us. It makes me realize that someday a girl will be so incredibly lucky to have him. I actually should fall for him. He was the nice, funny, way less complicated boy, who would be the best husband and best father you could imagine. But somehow faith decided differently with us. Because Harry was like a brotherly best friend and I could never see him any other way. Instead I decide to like a complicated, dark and mysterious but ever so interesting boy who I barely know. Typical…

‘Did you hear me, Evelyn?’ I suddenly catch Harry’s voice bringing me out of my thoughts.

‘W-What? Sorry.’

‘I’m going to bring you to work and pick you up again. We’re going to Liam’s and have a good time tonight.’ It looks like he decided this all for me already.

‘Harry… I don’t know, I-’

‘I do know. You cannot decline my offer. We’re going out of this dark hole tonight and you are not able to turn me down here.’ He sends me a really sad pout, one of those incredibly influencing ones, making me doubt every choice I made in life.

And suddenly, without me fully realizing it. I nod and say ‘Alright.’. That’s how easy he can wrap me around his finger. I’m not proud of it, but he is… without a doubt.


Harry POV

‘Sooo… Your day?’ I ask, when Evelyn steps into my car after school’s over. And it’s when I see her bright eyes and contagious smile, that I realize I need to reformulate my words for sure. ‘Okay no… on a scale from one being great and ten being fabulous… What’s the score of your day?’

I can see her smile only growing bigger and bigger and it makes me realize it was such a long time ago I saw her smile like this. It’s a shame… Because this smile suites her. ‘Eleven. Definitely.’ She tells me, instantly making me curious. 

‘Tell me all about it!’ I push her to go on, while I step on the gas, driving my car back on the road.

‘I told you about Jasper, didn’t I?’ She starts. And I need to give my brain a moment to search Jasper and the situation around him. But then I remember. The boy with the horrible mother.

‘Yes. Did he get replaced to another class?’

‘No! That’s the thing!’ She squeals, throwing her arms in the air out of happiness. ‘Jasper doesn't want to change classes. He wants to stay in my class.’

‘And he can decide that?’ To be honest… I don’t understand a lot about education. It’s a bit out of my league. I love hearing her talk about it though. Because I know she adores doing this so much.

‘The only person holding him back was his mom. Even his father didn’t care for a change, nor the principals. His mother is standing on her own and they decided to give him the class and the teacher he prefers.’ I hear something in her voice that makes me realize she’s proud of herself. And that’s something so rare when it comes to Evelyn. She’s never proud of herself. She’s never secure about something she does. She is way too insecure and unsure of herself. It’s the only thing I don’t like about her. It’s the only thing I wish to be different.

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