Then came Veronica

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Jays POV- *age 16*

Taking care of yourself is a lot more fun than the world makes it out to be. I may live under my dads roof, but I feed myself, walk myself everywhere, and buy myself everything. He thinks that I can't do it, but so far the kids at my high school are taking a liking to my anti-depressant meds.

For fifty bucks a pop, I do more than get by. My dad thinks I take them all, which isn't entirely a lie, I do take them. I just happen to sell them as well. Today is the last deal of the pills and I won't be refilled til next Monday. Hopefully he doesn't suspect anything.

I'm supposed to meet the kids behind the baseball dugout around 3ish. There's apparently a game going on, that should help distract a sneaky drug deal.

I've lived here for a few weeks and already like it better than Watkins. Truthfully, I would like any place better than the city my dad fucked over my family in. He moved us out here to enjoy the colder weather in hopes it could keep me in the house more; it hasn't. I guess we won't be here long though, since we only have a lease on this house for a few months. Come January we're moving again.

I've been standing behind this dugout for what seems like hours, yet it's only been one. Two boys have crossed paths with me since I've been here, both looking for somewhere to take a leak. After telling them about my trip to Niagara Falls, they both ran like gazelles. As I grew more impatient waiting for these kids to show, I lit a cig of my own to let off some stress. I've grown too attached to them for relief, but where else am I going to find it?

I took notice of the baseball game ending and grew even more impatient, since that was our cover up. I had to do a double take when I suspected I saw one of my buyers, when it turned out to be a girl. She appeared to be around my age. A fair brunette with eyes that could make any kids world stop; along with mine.

"I don't think you noticed me or just didn't bother to say anything, but hey," she said

I don't think she would've greeted me if I hadn't been staring at her like she was a wild animal.

"Hey," I puffed out my last drag of smoke

"I don't think I've met you before?" She shows herself after hiding behind the dugouts wall

"Just moved here," I say before taking my last drag of my cig and putting it out. I noticed her nose do a little twitch after failing to not inhale my carcinogens.

"I've been trying to stop," I smirk

"You didn't have to, the oxygen to smoke ratio is-

"I saw your nose cringe a coupla times, it's alright," I say

"Thank you.." She trails, of course not knowing my name

"Jay," i interject my hand into hers. They're soft, even in this cold weather

"Veronica, but people call me Ronnie," she smiles brightly, grasping it back

Veronica. I've never heard of a Veronica before. I mean I knew of the name, just never met one, or rather, never met her.

"Where did that come from? I chuckle

Her eyes dart from my left to right eye, back and forth. All the while her smile growing in size

"My little sister couldn't pronounce Veronica," she beams

I fumble the bottle of pills in my jacket pocket in nervousness. She almost had this innocence about her that made me want to call of this deal. If the kids were to show up now, I would bolt.

She looks at me, but I feel in a way she's looking much deeper than just into my eyes. A sudden rush of nervousness falls over me. What the fuck? I've never been nervous about what someone was thinking of me. Who is this girl?

Her eyes widen and she shakes her head a bit as if she's realized something.

"Well it was nice to meet you Jay, but I oughta get home," she smiles, her lips not parting

"You too Ronnie," I return the smile

Something about Ronnie was different. The way she looked at me. Maybe she looked at everybody that way. If she did, I like it.

"D'you want a ride?" She hollered turning on her heels

My mind pondered. These kids obviously didn't show up. I shouldn't give them any more mind of mine.

"I could's about a mile or two down the- I say in my non convincing voice, obviously agreeing to her offer. She catches on and cuts me off

"C'mon," she waved her hand after me

I had to follow her. Something in my gut was hinting, this girl was gonna mean something to me.


This was Basically a filler chapter to show Jays view on his life before Ronnie and his perspective behind meeting her :-)

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