The morning of

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Jays POV

All I see is black, and I think I'm on a couch. I shift my head and scan around the room, trying to take in my surroundings. The moonlight peers through the windows above me, and I remember the light's pattern from previous nights. I'm at home.

I feel a weight in my lap and I'm startled for a bit. My senses begin liven back up and my nose fills with the clean scent of vanilla bean. Ronnie. I reach for the lamp across the couch trying my best not to move her, even though I'm pretty sure she can sleep through a tornado.

"Mmm," she groans

"Shit, sorry," i whisper quietly

She moves closer in from my lap to my abdomen, tightening her grip around my back.

"Turn that off," she whines

"What time is it?" I ask

"Time to go back to sleep," she moans

"Alright Mrs. PMS," I joke turning off the light and sinking further into the couch

"Thats my name, don't wear it out," she mumbles slower

I guess we fell asleep here after the stream of Star Wars movies had finished, and my dad must've left without bothering us. I can feel the hum of Ronnie's breath against my chest. Her face lays buried in the small space between my chin and my neck. The position you would think is the most uncomfortable, Is oddly comforting. Her body heat transfers from her hands to my torso, allowing me to fall into a sound sleep.


The morning streams in through the same window the moon did last night. I notice Ronnie is no longer latched onto me, but rather in my kitchen making her version of a breakfast. I rake my hands a few times through my hair, making it appear a little less that I had just woken up.

"Shot glass eggs?" I surprise her at the bar of the kitchen

"You betcha," she says still flipping eggs on the skillet, not even flinching

Shot glass eggs were a specialty of hers. Taking a shot glass and cutting holes out of butter covered bread, and cracking an egg in between the hole, then frying it altogether. She's been making them since she can remember.

"Make extra for my dad, will ya?" I ask

"He already left, actually," she pouts

"What?" What time is it anyways?" I ask

"He leaves every morning at seven, it's a quarter after ten," she states

"And how do you know this?" I ask. How does she know this information anyways?

"I see him back out of the driveway on our way to school," she laughs like I should know this as well

"I ride with you to school..."

"You're always still half asleep loser," she giggles throwing a fresh cut strawberry my direction

I surprise her by catching it in my mouth playfully.

She quietly curses to herself and continues to create a collection of eggs on a petite decorated plate.

"Do you happen to know when he gets home too?" I say in my most smart alike tone

"Probably four or five?" She doesn't pick it up. Probably trying to tease me

"I'll make him dinner then," i state

"So order in then?" She hands me a plate and glass of milk making her way to the table

I try to fight her and argue that I can cook, but I can't.

"So order in then," I repeat

"So, I was up when your dad was leaving...he told me he found something I wrote you a while back,"

"You've written me quite a lot, Ronnie," I chuckle

Her eyes change shape before speaking next

"A while back," she gulps down another drink of milk

"Well where's it at?" I say

"He said he put it in your room somewhere," she says, her eyes locked on the view outside

"Where all of my letters should be.." I trail.

Why would they be anywhere else?

"Where did he say he found it?" I ask

"Didn't say," she mumbles, still not making eye contact with me.

"Ronnie," I grab her hand

"Okay, there's something you should know," she breaks focus from the window

"Out with it," I demand. I don't know why I'm panicking like this but I feel like it's something important.

"This..letter...poem thing, he never gave it to you," she squeezes her grip on my hand

"What?" I exclaim

"He never gave it to me?!" I add, standing from the table

"Jay," she stands also

"No, he can't keep something like that from me," I growl

My father knows how important Ronnie and I's friendship is to me. He knows better than to pull some "Notebook" shit on me.

"He didn't know he did," she tries to calm me down

"Bullshit. He was probably trying to teach me a lesson. Oh my gosh, oh my fucking gosh." I pull at my hair

"Jay, listen if you read it, it will all make sense, where we came around eventually," she says

"Where is it," I remove my face from my hands


"Where is it?" I stand

"I'm going to go, okay?" She walks over to the couch to grab her shoes

"Why? Is it bad?" I ask nervously

"No, I just think you should be alone," she takes my hands in her and rubs them together before pulling me into her embrace

"Don't take anything out on your father, okay? This is not his fault, I promise,"

She pleas, as she pulls the front door open to leave.

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