12 || My Girl

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So, yah girl turned 20 years old on the 26th of Dec. I don't feel older. Really, I don't lol. Enjoy the next chapter. And thank you all so, so much for being patient.

Update - 06.21.23 : I'm 22 now 


Y/n's POV

I ran up to his dead body, hoping he was somehow alive inside that wonderful alien mind of his. "Come on, Bee talk to me! Please!" I set my hands on his face, seeing how dark his eyes were. I had to fix this. I needed to fix him. I can't have him leave me. I just can't. I have already lost my Dad and now I am losing the only thing that kept me sane. Bee means so much to me, and to see him lifeless broke me into billions of pieces. "I can fix this. I can fix this." I repeated as Memo came up behind me as I focused on my robot, my everything.

"Y/n..." Memo says.

I ignore him as tears welled up in my eyes. "Bee, you gotta wake up. You gotta wake up, Bee. Please." I whispered, resting my hand on his faceplates.

"Y/n, we gotta go." Memo told me. Again, I ignore him. I look directly behind Memo and instantly found the thing that might bring my yellow bot back to life. "The gun," I say, remembering it had an electrical shock that can act as a boost for his system. It had to work.

"What?" Memo says, confused.

"The electric gun. Get it." I demanded, watching him take the first weapon off the rack and hands it to me. "I can fix you." I look at Bee's body. "Come on, Bee." I cocked the gun. "Come back to me." I fired, watching the shock vibrate his body, swimming through his limbs. He doesn't respond the first time.

One after another, my tears grew thicker after realizing Bumblebee going to be revived. I fired numerous times with different guns to bring him back. I have used up all the weapons and had no choice but to accept that my other half had gone. "Please, Bee! I can't lose you, too!"

I sighed deeply, staring at Bee's ghostly body. I dropped the gun and turn to Memo, unsure what to say after this crazy adventure. "I'm so sorry." He says.

I nodded, thinking it was all over and time for me to return to my miserable life. How could I have fallen for an alien robot? I don't even know Bee's history and what he is, yet I have grown feelings for him in such a short time.

I didn't think I would feel this way about...a car. No, he's more than that. Bee isn't just a vehicle or a robot. He's human in his own way, and that is what I love about him.

I tried to kick myself mentally to get out of this building to move on without him, but I swear I heard light clattering behind me. Looking over my shoulder in this darkened garage, his eyes glowing a bright blue, and he's miraculously sitting up. I couldn't believe it. Bee had woken up! I haven't lost him. "Oh!" I jumped into his oversized lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Bee." I say softly in relief.

" I say softly in relief

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Bᴜᴍʙʟᴇʙᴇᴇ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (2018) [Cᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ]Where stories live. Discover now