04 || You Sound Like a Little Bumblebee

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In the morning, I woke from my slumber, went to the bathroom to stare myself in the mirror, and say in a mopy way, "Happy birthday..." Walking out of the bathroom, Dad's photo of him and I caught my eye, so I stroked his cheek through the glass picture. "I miss you, Dad."

I walk out of my room to see what's going on this morning on my eighteenth birthday. I'm still in my pajamas and crazy hair.

"Good morning, birthday girl!" Ron yelled happily.

"Hi." I said bluntly.

"You look... Nice." He added, referring to my pajamas and bedhead.

"Happy birthday, baby." Mom kissed my cheek. "I love you. Come on, open your present. I'm gonna be late for work." She brings me to the kitchen where a triangle polka-dotted gift bag sat nicely with pink tissue paper.

"Thanks, Mom." I smile, digging through the paper, and found the gift. It's a lavender bike helmet with flowers and butterflies decorated all over it. "Um... A helmet with daffodils..." Now, I don't mean to be rude, but it isn't exactly appropriate for my made, and it's something I didn't ask for. But... it's a gift.

"So, I keep hearing about people on mopeds getting run over and their brains smashed in. You gotta wear this from now on. I don't care if it's not the law. It's our law." Mom explained to me. "Plus, look how cute it is."

My brain just stopped working for a second and then I blinked to reboot. "Y-Yeah."

Mom told me happy birthday one more time before Ron came into the kitchen with us. "I actually got you a little gift, too, Y/n. I mean, it's small, but it's from the heart." Ron handed me a book that I sort of found... offensive. Offensive as in it should encourage me to smile but... I just don't feel like smiling all the time anymore. 'Smile for a Change'. The book said.

"A smile is a powerful thing." He said. Ron informed me of all these details on the book, including how those who grin more frequently have friends. I went to my room with the presents and plopped down on the bed. I sincerely believed that I would receive a car or money to repair the Corvette. Just a happy book and a princess headpiece... I lay in bed for a few minutes and made the decision I should have made yesterday.

I got out of bed, got ready for the day, and drove back to Hank's with my moped to express my true desires to him. He has something I would love to have. With pure confidence and excitement, I say, "I want the Beetle."

"What?" Said Hank, his expression amused.

I spoke again. "The yellow Beetle. I want it." I repeated firmly. "I'll make you a deal. If I get that thing started, it's mine."

"That's no deal. It's just you taking my car." He laughed at me, sitting at his table with a bunch of trash and other things I find a little useless. 

I add on. "If I get it started, I keep it and work here every day for a year. Come on, please!" I continued, but he just stares at me and said nothing. "I'll scrub the grease off the floors, I will organize every scrap of paper in this place. I'll even detail all your horrible, disgusting toilets." Again, he is giving me that blank tare behind his glasses. "Please, it's my birthday."

Hank shook his head at me. "Sorry, no deal. 'Cause we ain't hiring." He tells me, causing my hope to be lost and remain feeling useless as an eighteen-year-old. But Hank was not done talking. "It's yours, kid. Happy birthday." Hank said with a smile.

I couldn't help but smile, too! it feels like he totally just saved my life and made it a whole lot better in every way! "Oh... T-Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I scrambled out of the garage, making my route for the yellow beetle hiding in the junkyard.

Bᴜᴍʙʟᴇʙᴇᴇ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (2018) [Cᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ]Where stories live. Discover now