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It was actually the next day and I was hanging out with Johnny today at my house in my room. I had another online home day today, so no school. So it was currently 10 am and kenzie still doesn't know that I went home last night. My dad already yelled at me earlier this morning, but then had to go to work. So he asked Johnny to come over and watch me, which he obviously did. We were in my room just talking about what we were gonna do this weekend. Then I heard the front door open and running upstairs. Kenzie then had bardged into my room and grabbed my upper arm while she pulled me out of my room. She pulled me into the hallway and finally let me go.
"Show me your wrist!" Kenzie demanded.
I hid my wrist behind my back.
"You came home without me and were home alone for many hours, now show me your wrist!" She demanded again.
I gave her the wrist without the cut on it.
"No, give me your other wrist now!" She said reaching for my other wrist.
"Kenzie stop!" I said as I stepped away from her.
"Annie stop and just give it to me, now!"
I shook my head as I tried getting out of her room by her door, but it was locked. Then I quickly had ran into her bathroom locking the door behind me. I then had heard her banging on the door and I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed a hammer from a toolbox in her drawer and smashed the window. I grabbed shredded peices of glass and shoved it across both of my legs and arms. I was crying silently and breathing heavily as I grabbed a jar of pills and shoved them into my mouth and the last thing I heard was Johnny and kenzie yelling but was very faded and then...black.

With kenzie on the other side of the door,

I was banging on the door as tears filled my eyes and I was telling her to open the door, after a few minutes I heard glass shatter and quickly ran into Annie's room to see Johnny in there on his phone.
"Johnny, come with me. I think annie is trying to kill herself!" I said as Johnny's eyes widened.
We both quickly ran into my room while banging on the door and telling her to open it.
"I'm just gonna knock it down" he said right before slamming into the door and causing it to fall down with ease.
I was quite surprised and amazed, but we ran over to annie and saw mainly blood.
Me and Johnny both had tears in our eyes, johnny was just trying to find a pulse. He was also clearly terrified and I quickly called the ambulance and they come in less then 5 minutes. She was loosing so much blood that they had to wrap her legs and arms up to contain the blood. Then they put her on a stretcher and wheeled her into the ambulance. They allowed us to go in there with her, since I was her blood related and Johnny was, I don't even know. But johnny had tears streaming down his face and his hands were shaking. I hugged him tightly and he just cried on my shoulder as I cried onto his. This has happened numerous of times before, but not this bad or intense. But I lashed out on her, non of my or her friends knew about her suicidal attempts because we never liked talking about it. But once we arrived at the hospital we had to wait in the waiting room. Until they could tell us what was going to happen. Soon later the doctor called me over to tell me some details.
"So julianna is worse then normal and only needs one pint of blood, so we can put that where she lost her blood and then stitch her up in surgery"
I nodded
"Okay I'll do it"
"Mackenzie we ran some tests and you and juliana's blood doesn't match up the same" the doctor added "juliana has AB negative blood and you have AB positive blood"
"You can't be serious!"
"I am and if you don't find someone soon she will die"
"Ugh" I muttered.
"I'll give you time to see if you know anyone with that blood type"
I nodded and then walked back over to Johnny.
"What'd they say?" Johnny said standing up.
"They need to find someone with AB negative blood to donate one pint to her or she will die" I said with my voice cracking.
"Oh, I think Lauren might have that blood type. But I dont know" he said.
"I'll call her" I said.
I quickly called her and asked her to come and she said she'll be here soon.
Once she arrived,
"What's wrong kenz?" Lauren asked.
"Something happened to annie and she needs a blood transfer, so we're gonna see if you can" I added "if you want"
"Of course I'll help"
"Good, let's go"
Lauren, Johnny and I got into a little room and the doctor pricked Lauren's finger for a blood sample and left. Then soon later came back with results,
"I'm so sorry, but she doesn't match juliana's blood type"
I sighed in disappointment.
"Hey son, you wanna see if there is a blood match" the doctor asks towards Johnny.
"Uh, I don't think that's necessary" Johnny said.
"Please john, if you have the right blood type, you could help her. Pleaseeeeeeeeeee!"
"Kenzie, I really don't like needles" he said.
"Johnny do it for annie" Lauren said.
"Fine" he said looking down then back up.
"Great!" The doctor said and left.
Johnny sat down in the chair with him fiddling with his rings and playing with his hair. Then the doctor came back with the stuff, he prepared him and was ready for the prick.
"Can one of you please hold my hand, I don't care who" johnny said with pleading eyes.
Lauren and I both held onto his hand as he got the prick and clenched his fist against our hands tightly. It hurt a bit, but I'm happy that Johnny was facing his only fear for annie. The doctor left and soon later came back with the results.
"Well you guys are in luck, he has the perfect blood match. But it's only if he wants to do it"
"If it's a perfect match then I'm doing it" he said.
We all smiled and then we moved into a different room. They set Johnny up and me and Lauren took turns holding his hand as he was drawing blood. After about 45 minutes it was done and Johnny was passed out. Annie's surgery actually started a few minutes ago. We were just waiting for johnny to wake up to tell him the good news. He eventually woke up,
"Johnny, Annie's surgery is right now. You did it, thank you so much" I said with the biggest smile on my face.
"No problem kenzie, I didn't want anything bad happening to her" he said and then drank some of his water.
After about 20 minutes the doctor had called me out to talk in the hallway.
"The surgery was successful and she should be waking up in about 20-40 minutes" I smiled and then he added "but, when we were examining her we found bruises that she couldn't have created by herself"
"Oh, no I didn't know that"
"That means something that caused those bruises also caused the continuation of the cutting"
"Oh, can't you do a DNA test on the bruises"
"There was no other DNA samples but her's, I'm really sorry that we can't help that"
I nodded,
"But y'all can see her now, just be quiet and careful"
"I know and we will" He nodded and then left towards a different room.
I then had walked back into the room,
"Guys the doctor said that we could see annie now, but she won't be up for a little while" they agreed and we left to her room.
Once we got to her room and walked in, she was sound asleep in the bed. There was a big space next to her open on the bed. We told johnny to lay down next to her. 1, because we kinda ship them together 2, she and him always sleep better together 3, johnny kept saying his head was hurting. So he laid down next to her and put his arm around her shoulders gently.
"Guys she won't be up for a little while, let's go somewhere in the meantime" I said as Lauren nodded.
"I'll stay with annie incase she wakes up" Johnny said and me and Lauren just nodded as we left the room.

In the room with Johnny and annie,

After about 10 minutes annie had started to wake up, her eyes fluttered open. She then turned to face me and slightly smiled.
"W-what happened to your arm John?"
"Well I could ask you the same thing Ann's"
After I said that she looked down.
"Look Ann's why'd you do it or at least tell someone?"
"Yea, cause I want everyone to know that kenzie's little sister is suicidal"
"But why are you?"
"I understand that was a stupid question"
"You don't gotta tell me if you don't want to"
"I'll understand Ann-"
She covered my mouth and slightly giggled.
"Stop talking so much and let me talk john"
I just nodded in response,
"Okay, when i was about 9 my dad would injure himself to mourn the loss of my mother, so I did what he did and started cutting" she added "then my dad found out and made a stop to that, but when I was 12 my bestfriend died so I went back to cutting as a source of mourning my loss of him" she continued "then my sister found out and made a stop to it, but now that there trying to control my life I cant stop cutting" she then started crying.
I held her tightly against my chest as she cried.
"Ann's it's always good to talk to someone. If when you get out of the hospital and feel like cutting again. Call me, text me, anything to talk to me. Okay?"
She nodded in response,

Authors note:
I'm sorry my posting schedule kinda got ruined. But I'm still gonna try and post when I can.

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