Chapter 6: Sweet Dreams?

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I feel sick... I know Meg feels the same as she throws the whole glass of water in the face of the woman that gave birth to us. It's almost satisfying to see her jerk up before realizing her surroundings. She curses under that duct tape but honestly, I can't care less. Meg takes this opportunity to peel the duct tape off Martha's lips as slowly as humanly possible and I know she's enjoying every minute of the torture inflicted on our biological monster. I just want the EFFING BITCH to go back to the corner she came crawling out of.

I clear my throat, not that I want to take her fun away but I would like to hurry the process along. Meg rolls her eyes and rips the rest of the tape off, Mrs Bitchson cries out followed by curse words. She glares at Meg and my protective brother side kicks in, I take a step forward matching her with a glare of my own. 

"Looks like you're spoiling her" She spits out, throwing a side look at Meg, before rolling her eyes back at me. The same manipulative green orbs that used to facilitate the abuse and act like it never happened. The bitch would lie to our teachers about how her new husband would never hurt us, we were just clumsy! 

"You mean, I don't abuse her? Yeah, I think we had enough of that from you, whore." I roll my eyes, clenching and unclenching my fists to control my anger.

"I never abused you! It was Dave and you know it! I never put my hands on you. You ungrateful cunts, without me you would be dead. I could have had an abortion!"

"Oh please, Not being born was a better choice than having you as our guardian bitch." Meg spits out with enough venom to poison a honey badger. Which is a LOT, if you know anything about honey badgers. 

"I do regret not aborting your ass," Martha says with a condescending smirk. Meg, however, has other ideas, before stepping close to the tied-up beast and backhanding her across the cheek. My jaw drops as Martha's head whiplashes to the side, I burst into laughter at the shock on Martha's face. What was she expecting? A hug?

Martha growls at Meg trying to lunge forward but being unable to move due to the restrictions. Megs just smirked at her, poking her tongue out at the woman. 

"If I'm the monster you make me out to be, looks like the apple didn't fall far from the tree" Martha leans back, her voice holding the same tone we never got out of our ears.  Meg backs off, I can see the hurt in her eyes, it isn't just simple hurt or pain at a bad remark, it is a fear of becoming Martha. I feel a deep sickness in my own stomach, it reminded me of the past 27 years, spending my everyday life counting my own traits that match my parents, trying to erase any part of them, that I have on me.

"We're nothing like you. We will not turn into you." I spit out, glaring at her. I take Meg's hand and squeeze it, knowing that the remark is engraved in her head. 

"Oh sure, Disrespect your Mother, slapping her and tying her up is not abusive. I never laid a hand on you, you laid your hand on me. That's a real abuser." Martha says, calmly, her voice Icy.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Martha?" I sigh as Maghen clenches my hand tightly, I know how much these words affect her, just as how much they affect me. 

"What else? Just came to stay with my children. It's surprising to me that you two are being so disrespectful. If it wasn't for me, Dave would have killed you and If I hadn't married him, we all would have starved to death." Martha says, sighing. I see some pain in her eyes and I know meg noticed it too because her hand unclenched mine.

For a second... just for a second... I did remember it. I remember how she did defend us a few times. One time she even stood up for me when Dave tried to stab me with a broken bottle... I gulp, not knowing how to respond. 

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