Chapter 2: Little Intruder

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I'm tired, I'm so tired. I want to murder Lorenzo Della Rovere, however, he freakin pays me so I can't. You might be thinking "it's only the first day of work" but he is a MENACE TO SOCIETY... I am absolutely exhausted. No, actually, exhausted is the understatement of this year. After I returned from my break, it took me hours to understand and memorise the filing system. They needed a better filing system as whoever came up with this, was the absolute worst.

Anyway, IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH. The "few" Emails he had told me to sort out, were MOST DEFINITELY, not a "few". Out of the 197 emails, 124 were for Panther. 1-freaking-24. I also called the driver and found out that he was already acquainted with Mr Jerk's schedule and did not need to be reminded.

I finally finished most of the work around 7 pm when I heard a ping on my phone, ready to leave. I got up off the floor and dusted myself off. Don't ask me why I like working on the floor, they have fluffy carpets and that's enough of a reason for me! Anyway, I walked over to the desk and picked up my phone, checking the message from Mr FreakyDick next door. 

What does he want now?


"Come to my office."

I bite my lip, nervously going over everything I had to do before walking over to the door and knocking on it.

"Mr Rovere, m-may I come in?"

"Well, that is why I texted you, Mr Fane, is it not?"

RUDE, I huff and grumble to myself, what a jerk. Would manners kill him? Noooooooo, he's too good to be polite. 

Fricking handsome jerk.

"Mr Fane, I'm waiting."

I jump and blush at my stupidity before fumbling the door open, a gasp leaves my lips as I look up at the screen where Mr Rovere sits. His eyes were on the file in his hand and he leaned back leisurely into his desk chair. However, that's not what made me blush. It was the water dripping down his wet hair... dripping on his built shoulders and down his chiselled abs, his skin tanned and toned, but that wasn't what made my heart stop. It was the emerald eyes that looked up and pierced into mine; what was he? A GIRL? Who has such nice lashes!?! However, there was nothing girly in the way those eyes looked at me. I felt a shiver up my spine at the dominance they possessed... I squeak and put my hands over my eyes, my ears becoming red in embarrassment as I point and flail at him.

"S-S-S-S-S-S- Sir! WHY in heaven's name are you NAKED!?!?" I peeked at him through the middle of my fingers like any responsible adult! Not that I wanted to stare at him or anything! 

Definitely not!

"I'm not naked, Mr Fane." He said, raising an eyebrow. His eyes seemed to be calling him stupid. THAT JERK! I'M NOT STUPID, HE'S THE ONE WHO IS SHIRTLESS!! His eyes however had a spark in them as his lip turned up only a fraction in a condescending half-smile. "Although even if I was, I should tell you, I'm not interested in men."

This smug mother trucker! I can feel it in his tone that he's making fun of me!

"HAH. Neither am I!! It's just rude to not wear a shirt!" I yelled at him with a tiny frown, however, his look changed from smug to Ice cold, his Emerald greens seemed to sparkle with golden bits in them, and his whole demeanour changed, making me gulp. I took a step back, looking down and biting my lip.

"Mr Fane, It would be in your best interest to remember that I am your boss, not your colleague or co-worker, keep that in mind for the next time you talk. Now, note down instructions for my arrival. Make sure that the driver gets to the airport at the right time, I will be out of the airport by 1:30 am. I have a meeting with a few important clients at 6 am, you need to be in the office at 4:00 am. Call the restaurant that is across the street, Barcelos. The owner will recognise you by your post, let him know to prepare steaks for all participants of the meeting. Pick the right time, I do not like my food cold. Call my housekeeper and let her know of my arrival, and tell her to prepare everything. Also, dress better Mr Fane, it seems like you don't understand your position here, however,  that shabby appearance is not fit for my personal assistant. Check with my driver again, and Mr Fane?"

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