Chapter 18: A Bond Beyond Soulmates

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༺❀ 。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。 Celest's POV 。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ * ❀༻

I bit my lower lip, pausing outside the door with my hand hovering over the oak wood... I couldn't bring myself to knock, it felt like I was disturbing a moment, like I was intruding into a bubble I didn't belong in. I missed her so much but I could feel our connection being completely silent. It was like a wall had been built between us and I couldn't hear her thoughts or feel her emotions. I didn't even know humans could do that. I braced myself and let out a breath before finally knocking on the hardwood, the sound echoed through the corridor. I didn't hear an answer and it was expected, so I moved my hand and slowly opened the door. My other hand tightened around the bags I was carrying with me. 

I could feel a chill run down my spine at the nervousness as I remembered her expression while she held on to Adam. I finally took a step inside the beautiful emerald and gold room, it was the royal suite of this house but the beauty of it was hindered by the machines beeping around the bed. My eyes landed on the frail Adam as he lay on the bed and Meg next to him, sitting on a table and working on her assignments. She didn't look up or even acknowledge me as I looked at her, I still felt nothing from her but a concrete coldness that made my shifter and I wallow in deep grief. It was like I was losing a mate even when she was alive and right in front of me. 

Meg was writing in her notebook while looking at her laptop and books, she'd asked Eman to bring everything to her and had not left the room since Adam was put here almost two weeks ago. She had stayed by his side even in the ambulance to the hospital and stayed there until he was released for more comfortable care at our house. She at first had refused but Eman and Hudhaifa had to beg her and had told her that this was where Adam would get the best care. I looked at tired eyes, hoping she would notice me.. hoping she would even say just a word to me even if it was hateful. 

I took a step forward but as I got a little closer to Adam's bed, her pen stopped, I took another step forward and it slammed down on the table, making my breath hitch and my body still. I looked at the love of my life, looking up at me with such empty eyes as if she felt nothing for me. I felt everything inside me shatter. I wanted to fall to my knees and beg her to just feel something for me, even if it was anger. I felt my lower lip tremble but held myself back from showing my sadness. She just stared at me so I looked away and down at the bags in my hand, holding them up for her to see. It was a bag full of new clothes for her and a bag with her favourite takeaway from a Thai restaurant she liked. 

I slowly took another step closer, she didn't move, didn't say a word, just stared at me as I walked to the sofa next to her and placed the items on top of me. I stood there for a second... it felt like I'd intruded a second too long in their personal space, it felt like my feelings were insignificant in the moment when it was already my family's fault that this happened. 

I nodded and turned around, quickly power walking out, the stomping of my heels echoed around the room and as I was about to leave, I heard the scribbling of her pen again, I felt the tears I was holding back, finally well up in my eyes as I closed to door behind me. I pressed my back against it, letting the hurt fall down my cheeks. Her indifference to my presence hurt more than any hatred could have.

༺❀ 。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *:。 Celest's POV Ends 。:+* ゚ ゜゚ * ❀༻

"I'm still working on my stupid assignments, by the way. My school even said they would give me time off, but I just opted to study online. I'm not going to slack off, so don't worry about that. Just fucking wake up, moron..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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