Chapter 13: Cirque De La Vengeance

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The group had now broken up with Meg being taken away by Celest in a hurry to be introduced to her friend and Tania coming to whisk Huddy away, much to Eman's internal turmoil. She still played her part though, and pressed her body to my side, I played along and wrapped my arm tighter around her waist. Her confidence was rubbing off on me even with the cold stare seeping into my soul from the man in front of me. The girl on his side had her arms wrapped around him, but my sole focus was on him. If he wanted to play, I'd set the rules for this game.

I mustered up all my courage and looked at him with a bright beaming smile. His cold stare faltered for a moment, I could see the confusion in the millisecond change on his face. I must have become a master in Roverology because I impressed myself with that deduction. However, the confusion just fueled my inner devil and I started talking in the most cheerful voice I could muster. 

"Hi, Mr Rovere! How are you?" I then turned to Eman, who looked at me with a knowing mischievous smirk as I mentioned the name to her. She knew I was doing this to get back at him but she didn't know why exactly, I had told her he made fun of me and played a joke on me, which was true if you looked at the situation from a certain angle. She'd agreed to help even without me going into detail, with an expectation that I'd spill after the party. "Ema-Giselle...! This is my boss and his... companion, according to Daily News. Say hello." 

"Oh, Hi! I've heard about you from my baby!" Eman said with a charming smile, before turning and nodding at the girl beside her. " Hi there, I do adore your dress." She said to the girl glued to my boss's side. The girl smiled at Eman and pulled away from Mr Rovere to talk to her but he then placed a hand on her waist and pulled her against his side, his eyes never leaving mine. The girl's expression even behind the small mask was one of shock but transformed into a huge smile.

"Thank you! It's from Miss Tania, Lorenzo's cousin." She said with a happy tone. "She's my father's business partner. I'm Emily, by the way." She directed at Eman, she hadn't realised I was the same guy from the office yet and for some reason that made her treat me like a human this time around. For some reason, this made me even angrier. I just ignored her as Eman replied to her, instead glaring at my playboy of a boss. 

The hall was filled with music and chatter from people crowding around us, the masks, sparkles and glamour seemed to fade away in a blur around me as I looked at him, his usually stoic face was even more full of anger and his eyes glimmered in the light above, giving them a golden hue.  

"Seems you brought company, Mr Fane." His voice held the usual commanding tone but I could feel the weight his words held. I glared at him and looked down at the hand he had around the girl's waist.

"Likewise, Sir." I was angry,  but I hid it with a bright and forced smile. "I heard the news about your new... relationship. I can see it's going well."

Mr Rovere's eyebrows twitched slightly. Now, behind the mask and with such an insignificant movement, some people might have thought it was nothing but I knew that his stupid face didn't move a millimetre without a reason. He was confused about my words. 

I opened my mouth to clarify what I had said but his date turned to him after finishing with Eman and placed a hand on his chest. 

"Baby, want to go meet my Dad? He just got here!" I held back a glare towards her but looked at Eman, squeezing her hand to make her look at me. I did a little sideway glance and nod towards my boss and her eyebrows raised in question before she smirked. She got the message. 

She turned to me fully and wrapped her arms around my neck, leaning up and soon her soft lips pressed against my own, she pulled me in and her tongue sneaked into my mouth... Ahem...

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