Chapter 12: Want to play?

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We arrived at the venue in a huge expensive-looking car, I didn't even know they were sending us an escort but as we were slowly getting ready, the driver knocked on the door and I answered getting the news that he was here to take us. We basically tripped over ourselves trying to get ready, I asked the driver to come inside and he sat on the couch as we tripped and tried to get everything done.  He was a friendly guy called Javier, in his late 40s and sent by Tania, he was her personal chauffeur. I served him some tea and cookies as Meg yelled in frustration from her room. 

After we were done and had our masks, we quickly got into the car and he was gracious enough not to take Meg's suggested shortcut. We arrived in 40 minutes at the outskirts of the city where the bigger mansions were located. We had been driving next to a wall for 15 minutes when we finally saw the gave swarming with the paparazzi and through the gates as they tried to peek in. It was surreal as the car drove past and they thought it was Tania... 

I didn't know why the press was so interested in Tania and why they were at the party just to catch a glance at what was happening inside but after 20 more minutes of driving, we were at the front entrance of the villa. Tania had said it was a small party but I don't know if she knows what a small party means. If any of you have watched the movie Babylon, the party, in the beginning, does not compare to this. 

Just outside the doors, people hung above where you would need to enter, we probably looked outside like a bunch of kids in an aquarium. There were fire breathers and people who looked like they were from Cirque De Soleil performing. We didn't realise that the car had stopped and we weren't getting off until Javier cleared his throat. We quickly said sorry and put on our masks, Meg popped out and I jumped out after her. She let out a shaky breath and gulped, I could only see her eyes and the bottom half of her face as she looked at me. 

"I'm starting to get nervous... this doesn't look small." She whispered, I nodded and took in a deep breath. 

"It's okay, if it gets too much we will leave, but don't you want to give Celestine her present first, dumbass?" I said teasingly, she elbowed me in the tummy, making me slightly buckle. 

"Let's go already!" Eman chimed in, her arm slipped into mine and Huddy took Meg's hand, escorting her upstairs. Turns out they had given us plus ones and Eman was more than happy to come along. She did always complain that she never had anywhere to wear the extravagant traditional dresses she had. The dress was probably more embroidered than Meg's dress and looked beautiful on her. You could tell Huddy liked it as he stared at her the whole ride here and he'd worn a velvet coat with a vest made from the same fabric as my coat. 

In case anyone was wondering, they are pretty loaded, they won't work high-paying jobs and they come from rich families. They aren't as rich as the Rovere family but the Rovere's were... the 0.00001%, so barely anyone was as rich. Eman grinned like a Cheshire cat once we got to the top of the stairs the person outside the giant door asked to see the invite and I showed him the physical copies that came with our clothes. 

"And who are you being accompanied by?" He smiled, nodding at Eman and Huddy politely. 

"I'm Giselle E...ric Smith?" She said, the first name was with confidence and the second... came out and it was too late to take it back. The person nodded and looked at Huddy and he confidently gave a made-up name. 

"Holden Mcgroan", Yes, he took inspiration from friends and he refused any other name. Now, you may be asking why the fake names. Well, we didn't want the animal to know who they actually were in case he took this as a slight from me to him. They were masked up and fake named to protect them and it was Eman's elaborate idea. I think she's overreacting and was way too excited to do this. The funny thing is Huddy didn't even need an alias, he just wanted one. 

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