3. A Special Gift

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A little nervous, the white lord smoothed the feathers on his neck and head. He was standing in one of the palace corridors, where many mirrors adorned the walls.
It was early in the night. After Lord Shen and Lady Yin-Yu had finished their dinner, they had spent the time to admire the announced fireworks. After the last festivities, they retired to their bedroom. But before Yin-Yu could say a word, Shen said he wanted to take a little walk and had left the room quickly again.
The white lord sighed. He wasn't as proud of his color as his father was. But who cared? He was just something very special, as his mother sometimes had told him.
He took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror again. "Alright," he said to himself, putting the fingertips of his wings together. "Whatever she wants, be yourself, be yourself. You are not doing this for the first time."
Of course, they had spent the nights together in bed a lot lately, but what kind of special gift was she going to give him today? He couldn't explain it. What did she expect from him?
Shen whirled around. Xia had appeared out of nowhere and had been watching her father for a while.
"What are you doing?" She continued with her question.
"Uh ... nothing at all. I..." He shook his head quickly. "What are you doing here? Why are you not in bed yet?"
"Dad, I'm over 18. I don't have to go to bed early anymore."
"Anyway. Your mother and I would like to have some silence."
Xia rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes. I understood. I have to disappear into my room so that you and mother can play your adult games."
Shen blushed deeply under his feathers. But then he shook his head. "Go to your room!"
Xia turned away with a mocking smile. "Of course, as always. I wish you a nice wedding day."
She laughed when her father twisted his beak. But the young woman didn't want to make him angry and walked away quickly.
Shen looked after her in confusion. Then he snorted. "Children."

With slow footsteps, Shen came closer to Yin-Yu's and his private room. He took a last deep breath before opening the door. The peahen sat on a chair in front of a mirror and combed her feathers.
With a gentle smile, the peacock closed the door and walked towards her. She saw him in the mirror, which is why she didn't turn around. Her posture stiffened as he put his wings around her from behind and kissed her neck.
"You're beautiful enough," he cooed and stroked her body.
She closed her eyes with relish and huddled against him. Then she got up and took his wings. "Come on, I have to tell you something."
Telling? Shen didn't know what to make of it and wondered what she meant by that. Was that a new code word for a special thing?
When she led him over to the bed, his suspicions seemed to be confirmed, that is why he didn't struggle.
As soon as they were on the bed, she sat on one side while Shen took a seat across from her. Yin-Yu seemed a little nervous, which initially surprised Shen. She was never so shy when they had their special moments together. On the contrary. Sometimes she was even wilder than him.
"Well, we've many sleepless nights lately," she began hesitantly. "And there were wonderful moments. Do you remember?"
He smiled. "Yes."
Then he leaned forward and pushed her onto the bed gently so that she was laying on her back and he was over her. First, he kissed her on the beak then down to her neck. A purr escaped her mouth and the white lord thought he was sure to have guessed her special gift.
But in the next moment, she began to resist. "Shen?"
"Yeeeesss?" He couldn't stop kissing her.
"Shen, I have to tell you something..."
"No, no." She raised her wings and pushed him away. "I have to tell you something."
Shen looked down at her in deep surprise. "Telling me something? Can't that wait?"
He was about to bend down to her again, but she held him up.
"No, it's important."
A little disappointed, he climbed down from her and adjusted his robe.
"Well, what do you want to tell me?"
His confusion heightened when she took his wings in hers and rubbed her finger feathers against them gently. She looked at him so warmly that it almost scared him.
Shen was getting suspicious. "What is it?"
With a nervous smile, she stopped caressing his wings. "I... I'm pregnant."

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