25. My Dark Side

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Xia had retired with her mother to the kitchen of the guest residence, where the old goat handed her a calming tea. When King Wang also appeared in the kitchen, Yin-Yu asked her daughter to leave her alone. She knew that the King of the Huns wanted to discuss something that was not intended for a young girl's ears. And Wang didn't mince his words, but he found it difficult to ask the question, which he needed an answer right away.
"Well?" He started. "What should happen to him?"
Yin-Yu looked up at the Hun King, then she shook her head violently and stared into her teacup. "This time the decision is not just mine."
As if on cue, Shen appeared in the doorway suddenly.
The King of the Huns looked at both of them in turn, then he nodded. "Fine. But make your decision as soon as possible."
With a polite nod, he said goodbye and left the kitchen. Soothsayer also preferred to leave the room and left the couple alone.
At first, Yin-Yu did not look up and stared into the colored tea water. Finally, Shen approached her. Again her gaze remained lowered. From the corner of her eye, she watched the white lord come to a halt beside her. He put a wing on her shoulder. Yin-Yu closed her eyes as his finger feathers tightened on her. He didn't want to say it, but she completely understood him.
She let out a deep sigh. The peahen was unable to plead for the soul of her ex-husband. Shen seemed to know that very well and leaned down a little. Then his wing moved to her face and stroked her cheek. And without a word he left her. Yin-Yu sat on the chair in silence. Her eyes stayed closed for a while. When she opened them again, her tears dripped into the tea water.

Po had retired to a quiet corner in the courtyard and was chewing a few cookies with relish. After Xia had gone into the kitchen with Yin-Yu, he hastily got something from the pantry for a snack. And above all to forget all the horror as quickly as possible.
Thoughtfully, he looked up at the sky. It was late afternoon. Tired, he stretched and swallowed the last crumb. Then he leaned his back against the wall and sank lazily on the floor.
He dozed for a little while, until he noticed a movement, he rose his head. A white figure crossed the square in the shadow of the courtyard. Po paid him no further attention. It was clear it was Shen. Who else was so white? Po smiled at this thought. But when he saw something flash in the evening sun, he lifted his head a little higher. Shen carried his lance sword over his shoulder.
The panda stood up in confusion. Why was the peacock armed? The battle was won. Or did he have to take it for a walk to demonstrate his power to the townspeople?
Po continued to watch uncertainly as Shen went down the steps of the guest residence and disappeared into the next city street. Po got an uncomfortable feeling. On the spur of the moment, he ran down the stairs and looked around the corner. Shen wasn't far. He went very slowly. So slowly that it could scare you.
After the panda had given himself a jolt inside, he ran after the white peacock.
"Uh, Shen, where are you going?" He asked.
But Shen didn't say anything, he just continued walking down the street, undeterred.
"Uh, Shen? Did the explosion damage your hearing, or didn't you understand me?"
Again there was no answer, just a continuation of steps.
Slowly, this silence became creepy for Po. Determined, he grabbed the lord by the sleeve. "Shen, what's wrong?!"
"Don't get in my way, panda!" The lord snapped and pushed him away.
Po contracted the eyebrows. "What are you up to?"
Again the peacock continued his way. This time, however, at a faster pace.
Now Po was really annoyed. Angrily, he jumped at the peacock's feet. "Where are you up to?!"
"Something I should have done one year ago!"
Po looked wide-eyed at the sword in Shen's wing. "You are not going to..."
He didn't finish the sentence, he just looked at Shen. But the lord raised his head and the panda found confirmation of his fears.
"No, Shen! You're not planning to... are you?"
"What am I planning to do, panda?"
Po swallowed hard. "You don't mean to kill him, are you?"
Shen's eyes narrowed to evil slits that met Po's pleading face.
Suddenly, the white peacock dashed him against the wall and scurried away. The bear rotated dizzy on its own axis. Then when he finally found his balance again, he sped down the street as well.

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