10. Different Than Planned

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 It was still dark a little when the black figure slowed down its flight speed at a certain point in the mountains. He landed in front of a cave in a mountain. There he let down himself on a stone and looked around.
"Where have you been so long?" A dark voice asked him gruffly.
The black bird ducked his head. "There was a problem. The eggs broke in the mountains."
There was a quick movement in a shadow. "What are you talking about, Ryuga?!"
The black bird backed away a little. "I was followed. That's when it happened."
Suddenly, a figure jumped at him. The crow screamed as a claw tore him to the ground on his neck and held him there. The figure stared grimly at him with the blue eyes that belonged to a blue peacock.
"I wanted to destroy the eggs by my own hands!" He hissed.
"Sir," another voice said behind him. "You still need him."
A moment later an ox appeared. The blue peacock straightened up; his claw still pressed to the crow's throat. But then he thought about it. "Oh well. The result would have been the same anyway. Even if a bit annoying for me."
He let go of the one lying on the ground and stepped closer to the slope of the cave, from where there was a good view of the mountains. His thick coat covered a part of his body, but his beautiful blue plumage still stood out in the light morning sun.
Finally, he smiled. "Well, I suppose he had executed the panda in the meantime, right?"
The silence silenced the blue peacock. Then turned around.
"What is it?" He asked indignantly.
Ryuga had troubles to swallow. "He just had to leave town."
He quickly dodged a blow.
"I thought you gave everyone a soporific!" The peacock yelled at him. "It should look like that this panda had destroyed the eggs!"
The crow pulled its head even tighter. "It didn't seem to have worked for him. He caught me stealing."
The peacock screeched in anger and smashed the black bird to the ground. Then he drew a knife and held it close over his throat. He looked him in the eye so horribly that it could run a cold chill down the spine.
"If you weren't still useful for my plans, I would cut off your head now." He pressed the claw closer to his neck. "You fly back to town and continuing as we discussed. You served me faithfully in my city in the past. Do not gamble away my grace for you! If you fail again, you will receive a pension that you can spend in the realm of the dead creatures."
The crow nodded and flew away quickly. The peacock looked after him with a venomous look.
"Are your people ready, Guo?" He asked the ox.
The bigger creature nodded. "Yes, we can attack at any time."
The blue peacock smiled coldly. "You should be ready. It looks like we can move on to the next phase of my plan soon."
The ox Guo didn't reply. Not even when the blue peacock maliciously rubbed his wings.
"First his town, and then his entire family." He smiled coldly. "Nothing shall remind of him anymore."

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