thirty five 🦩

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"what? he came for you?" daniel cried out, his head snapping to face izzy that was leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed.

"yes, daniel. he did." anna said in a monotone as if it was nothing. "is this true?" daniel asked softly.

"daniel! anna said it many many times that it fucking happened. okay? accept it." izzy said clearly annoyed.

"hey, watch your tone around my boyfriend." tuscany said. she sat on the couch, on her phone - glancing up every now and then to watch the scene unfold.

"as if you even care, and i don't care if he's your boyfriend. you post it all over social media." izzy snapped at the girl on the couch.

"daniel! baby, did you see that?" tuscany whined pulling at the back of daniel's t-shirt. "yes, honey i saw. izzy don't speak to her like that." daniel said directly. 

tuscany smirked at izzy then went back to her phone.

izzy rolled her eyes. there was something about tuscany's high pitched voice and her slutty clothes.

"i'm gonna kill him." daniel said with gritted teeth. "daniel, don't." anna said rolling her eyes and drinking some water.

"why? give him some karma. revenge." daniel continued licking his lips. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NO? YOU DICKHEAD LISTEN TO ME! HE WILL COME FOR US." anna yelled at her brother.

izzy, in the corner chuckled slightly at anna's outburst and the fact that alex won't be "coming for anyone".

"okay, okay. calm down." daniel said sighing, and giving up. he flopped onto the couch next to tuscany.

"baby, can you take a picture with me? i want to post one!" tuscany said. "but you posted one like yesterday!" daniel exclaimed.

tuscany glared at him, and daniel gulped. "okay babe. anything for you." daniel sighed and forced a smile onto his lips.

"why do you want such a public relationship?" izzy asked annoyed and tuscany was uploading her photo on instagram.

"oh? your still here? didn't notice." tuscany said looking at izzy then back at her phone. izzy rolled her eyes.

"no, but. why are you still here?" daniel wondered. "you can go now...?"

"like i wanted to be here anyway." izzy muttered and walked out.



short chapter because the next is gonna be spicyyyy

𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ☾ daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now