twenty three 🦩

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"daniel, you have to eat something." corbyn said, poking daniel's arm. "no, i'm not leaving izzy." daniel said.

daniel's mental health and wellbeing was going down. he wasn't eating, working out or getting fresh air. breathing in hospital air and eating basically nothing.

the fans have noticed something had happened, because daniel hadn't been active at all. no new music, no touring and not much content.

corbyn, jonah, zach and jack have assured fans that everything is okay and something happened that affected daniel.

"daniel! bro, you really need to eat something - it's not good for you." corbyn said sighing. "please, we got you some food - we're not asking you to leave just eat something."

daniel sighed and gave in, knowing he had to eat or otherwise he would get sick and he knew izzy wouldn't want that to happen.

he took the bag, from which corbyn held and took the contents which was some chipotle and some subway cookies.

daniel slowly took a bite, finishing of the food.


it had been a week, and the boys apart from daniel was very worried for their bandmates' health. 

daniel had not left izzy's side since she had been registered into the hospital and didn't plan on leaving until she was better.

izzy - had not woken up, but she was still living. the marks on her hand were very serious and affected her alot.

the doctors said it was only a matter of time before she woke up. daniel had not lost hope, but he just wanted his girlfriend to be safe.

daniel's family and the why don't we boys have been coming in and visiting him and bringing him food to make sure he's good and in a stable condition.

they all understood that he had to be there because he loved her and he had to be there for her when she woke up.

everyone came and sent words of encouragement to him and it made him feel better, but all he wished was for his girlfriend to be awake.



just a filler chapter for this one <3

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