twenty five 🦩

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"okay, so this is a check up for - miss isabella street, am i correct?" the doctor said holding his checkboard in one hand.

"yes, that's me. but you can call me izzy." izzy said. the boys and izzy were all seated in one of the doctors clinic checking up on izzy's health because they all wanted to make sure she was one hundred percent okay.

"well, izzy - your health is okay, your in a stable condition, nothing to serious. just make sure to get some rest and look after yourself. don't go climbing mount rushmore." the doctor joked.

"i won't." izzy laughed, "and is there any more?" "uh, let me see." the doctor said scanning his piece of paper.

"oh right, the most important thing!" the doctor exclaimed. "yes?" izzy asked.

"you're pregnant."

zach unluckily was drinking a glass of water, and he spat it out, all over the floor and jack, who was not happy.

"what?!" everyone yelled. "didn't you kids know?" the doctor said with a light chuckle. "izzy here is three weeks pregnant." the doctor said.

izzy sat there in shock. she was having a rapists baby. "but, doctor! she was raped! it's a rapists baby!" daniel cried looking furious.

"oh i'm so sorry to hear that, will you get an abortion, miss?" the doctor said directly his attention to izzy. everyone waited for her answer.

"absolutely not! my family doesn't believe in abortion and neither do i. even if it's a rapists baby it's still mine! and i am not going to kill my own child." izzy said sharply.

"well said, dear." the doctor smiled and walked out.


the ride back to izzy's house was in absolute silence. no one talked, no one moved apart from jonah in the drivers seat. 

daniel hadn't talked to izzy since he found out his girlfriend was pregnant with another boys baby.

it was an awkward aroma floating around in the car and it was uncomfortable. usually jack or zach would of made a joke or two, but nothing from the two boys.

it was unusual.

"so, um. this is your apartment." jonah said awkwardly, parking the car just outside. "um, thank you." izzy said, and embarrassingly walked out the car.

"wait! izzy - do you know who raped you?" corbyn yelled out as izzy walked away. "yeah, my ex boyfriend, alex turner." izzy yelled back, and watched the car go out of sight.

she pulled out her phone and called a group chat.

"girls. come to my apartment, now. christina - i'll facetime you."


"girl, what's wrong?" kay said barging into izzy's apartment door, with gabriela and tatum behind her.

tatum had christina on facetime, who was paying her full attention to the situation in los angeles.

"do you really wanna know?" izzy said, sighing. "who were the one who called us! we have to know!" gabriela exclaimed throwing her hands into the air.

tatum had placed her phone on the fake plant-pot on izzy's coffee table so it was easier for her. "okay, what is it?" christina asked.

"i'm pregnant." izzy said unenthusiastically. "what? is daniel happy with you guy's baby?" gabriela said. 

"that's the thing. it's not daniel's baby." izzy said with tears down her face. from what izzy just said, and the state she was in would make it seem that izzy had probably cheated on daniel, and that's exactly what the girls thought.


"you cheated on daniel?"

"he fucking loved you?!"

"the hell?! how could you!"

"no! i didn't cheat on daniel!" izzy said glumly. "then what? how can it not be daniel's baby if you didn't cheat on him?" tatum said with her hands crossed on her chest.

"you know the guy that raped me? oh and news flash - he was my ex. it's his baby." izzy said quietly with a tear falling down her cheek.

"awe, babe."

"i'm so sorry, iz."

"i shouldn't of accused you."

"everything's gonna be okay!"

"and, no. i'm not going to get an abortion if one of you is going to ask that." izzy said avoiding contact. 

"i fucking would." tatum muttered picking at her nails. "tate! don't say that! just because you had an abortion doesn't mean you say it to someone else's face!" gabriela scolded.

"sorry, sorry. but it's not daniel's baby. it's a rapists baby." tatum said quietly. "yeah, i get what you mean but i don't believe in abortion, so it's not an option." izzy said.

"and also - daniel's not talking to me!" izzy cried out. "he's just upset. he will talk in no time." christina assured.

"i god damn hope so." izzy mumbled.




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