Blind lovee (4)

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Dedicated to raegancavill


I blinked trying to get the sleep out of my eyes. I sat up slowly in my hotel bed and looked over at my side. Jayden laid there sleeping away.

"Hey, it's morning." I shook him awake.

His eyes looked drowsy and his hair was in a cute messy fashion making him look like a boy rather than a man.

"I'll go order breakfast." I said getting up taking my phone with me.

I got up walking into the living room area and picking up the phone from the hook.

I quickly ordered some bacon, eggs, and sausage with some lemonade and water and just black coffee.

I sat down on the couch and dialed Marissa, my assistant.

"So how is it going? Business is running as usual?.... Do I need to cut the vacation short... Yes. Well, tell him no....Push that back... next week... reschedule it... make that a dinner reservation."

We talked on the phone for about 10 minutes of just business when there was a knock at the door. I hurriedly went and answered it.

"Room service."

"Ah, yes."

"Here let me get your tip first." I turned around walking in the direction of the bedroom. Jayden came out half naked due to him not having a shirt on. Well, I mean I was wearing it.

He walked over towards the door.

"Destiny you're good."

"M-mas-ter Jayden."

She quickly bowed and left.

I looked at him weird. What the heck was that about? Is he a prince or something.

"Now let's eat."

I couldn't disagree with that. We went over to the table and started eating in peace and just listening to the sounds of our chewing. Which wasn't that annoying as I usually think it is.

"So do you know how I can repay you?" I asked after I was finished. He kept eating basically avoiding the question.

"Well, when you do just call me and tell them your name and appointment. And I'll cancel my schedule for you."

He nodded, but kept eating. Once he finished, he waited in the living area while I got dressed into a cream type sweater with my thick cotton black tights and my light brown, leather boots.

I came out with his shirt in my hand and handed it to him.

"Thank you and I'll see you whenever." I smiled.

"Nice meeting you, ebony."

I nodded as he turned around and walked out, leaving me in my hotel room. I made sure I got my purse and other belongings to make my exit also. I got into the elevator and made my way down to the lobby.

When I got there people were giving me weird looks and by people I meant the staff. I brushed it off and made my way to the check out desk. Once that was all completed I went back to my normal life as a business woman.

*2 months later*

"Ebony, your mom is on line 2." Marissa spoke through the intercom. I sighed. Again with her.

I picked up the phone nonetheless and listened to my mom rant on about me getting married and what not. I just listening and kept humming and agreeing when needed, but I was not listening at all.

Blind Love for RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now