Chapter 11🖤

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(y/n)'s POV

After a while, a thunderstorm started outside so I went to check. The rain was far to heavy for anyone to walk in.


He hummed as a response from the couch.

"Do you wanna stay the night? You can sleep in Tooru's room, I don't want you walking home with this weather,"

"Yeah sure, I'll text my mom," despite everything that had happened earlier, he sounded like his usual grumpy self.

He had his normal frown on his face as he grapped his phone so I ran and tackled him with a hug around his wait.

"What are you-" I accidentally tackled him to hard and he fell back first onto the floor while I landed on top of him," WHAT THE FU-"

I quickly put my finger on his lips to shush him, "No swearing!" He scowled at me, causing me to panic and squeal.

"Awww are you scared?" He mocked me while holding onto me so I couldn't get away. I felt heat rush to my face so I hid behind my hands.

Kyotani laughed quietly and let go of me. I quickly rolled off of him and onto the floor, he didn't get up and instead stayed layed next to me while he messaged his mom.

"Hey (y/n), can you take a picture of yourself to prove to my mom that I'm not alone," He asked while holding his phone towards me. I nodded and took the phone, opening the camera to take a photo.

I took a picture of me doing a peace sign with Kyotani in the background, both of us still layed on the floor and sent it to his mom. I was about to pass the phone back to him when his mom replied,

"She's cute! Have fun and be home by 4pm tomorrow."

I felt heat rush to my face once again and quickly handed it back to him. He blushed as soon as he read the message. He typed a reply to her and put his phone into his pocket, before turning to me. We both layed there looking at eachother, blushing and silent.

"She's not wrong, you know." He mumbled while fidgeting slightly. I looked at him, confused on what he meant. "You are cute.." He said as he looked me straight in the eyes.

I became even more flustered and struggled as I tried to speak, "Th-Thank y-you," I smiled as I spoke.

I saw a faint pink blush on his face after I thanked him before he started to get up. Once he was on his feet, he held out his hand to help me up. I took his hand and got up, I didn't let go of his hand afterwards and he didn't seem to mind.

"Wanna go upstairs? I can probably find you some clothes for you to sleep in,"

He nodded and followed me up to Tooru's room, where I grabbed some of Tooru's old pajamas that looked like they'd fit Kyotani.

He was going to try them on and I'd wait outside, which I did. He came out after a few minutes, the pajama bottoms fit him but the shirt was so long that it looked like a dress.

"How f*cking tall is your brother?! This shirt is way too long," He sounded like his usual angry self. I giggled at his reaction, causing him to growl slightly and glare at me.

"He doesn't have any smaller shirts, sorry,"

"You don't mind if I take this off then, right? I normally sleep shirtless anyway,"

I immediately had the mental image of Kyotani shirtless in my mind. "Uh yeah sure, do w-what you want," I tried to sound calm but I was clearly flustered.

He chuckled at my reaction and proceeded to remove the shirt and put it back in Tooru's wardrobe. I stared far more than I should've at Kyotani with no shirt but I soon managed to calm myself down.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter 💛
Thanks for reading
Any feedback is appreciated
-Himawari~Chan 🌻

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