Chapter 3🖤

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(y/n)'s POV

I waited outside the club room for Kyotani to change into his uniform,

After a minute or two, he walked out, looked at me and nodded as he turned around, I stood still for a few seconds before jogging slightly to catch up with him,

I walked beside him, trying not to look in his direction, while he stared straight ahead and walked into the school with me,

As we walked into the building, I could feel stares directed at us from every student in the corridor,

I heard a few whispers along the lines of,

"Is that Kyotani?"

"Who's the girl?"

"Isn't that the new girl?"

"Is that his girlfriend?"

"Are they dating?!"

I tried to ignore them but I felt myself becoming more and more embarrassed so I tried to hide my face behind my hands and hair,

Kyotani noticed and growled slightly,

"Can't you just ignore them?"

I nodded and carried on walking, still embarrassed

After a while, Kyotani opened a door to a classroom and gestured for me to walk inside,

As I walked into the classroom, every student went completely silent and stared at me and Kyotani (who walked in behind me).

I felt myself becoming even more embarrassed but before anyone could say anything the teacher walked into the room and told everyone to sit down,

I stayed stood up and asked the teacher where I should sit,

She told me I could sit in any of the empty seats,

I looked across the classroom, I saw four empty seats, three of them beside people who were either glaring at me and/or talking to other people,

The final seat was at the back of the room, beside one girl (who seemed completely uninterested in the lesson) and on the other side was Kyotani (who was in the corner and staring out the window),

I told the teacher where I'd chose to sit, she looked shocked but told me to go ahead,

I walked to the back of the classroom and sat beside Kyotani, he glanced at me for a second before looking back out the window,

After class, I heard someone shouting my name front the doorway,

"(y/n)! Hurry up and come eat lunch with me!"

I didn't even have to look to know it had to be (b/f/n),

I sighed and within a few seconds she'd pulled up a chair beside my desk and was already eating her lunch and talking about a dumb boy from her class,

Kyotani left the classroom not too long after (b/f/n) entered and she noticed me glance at him as he left,

"Ooo already checking out the boys are ya? I guess Kyotani isn't too bad but personally I'm only for Yahaba,"

"W-what no, I don't even know him. He's just in Tooru's club so he walked me to class."

"Kyotani walked you to class! There's no way he did that for Oikawa! He hates him! He must like you! Love at first sight, I bet!"

"It's not like that, he only did it because we're in the same class. Love at first sight isn't even real, it's just something from stories (b/f/n)!"

"Love at first sight is real! I fell in love as soon as I met Yahaba so I know it's real!"

"Whatever. Anyway are you at a club today? I'm going to watch the volleyball team practice and then you can come over."

She told me that she'd love to come over and that she'd meet me at the gym at the end of the day,

After a few minutes, lunch had ended and classes had started again,

Kyotani fell asleep on his desk less than ten minutes after lunch and the teacher didn't seem to care.

I found myself looking at Kyotani and thinking about him even more, but decided it was just because he seemed like an interesting person.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter 💛
Any feedback is appreciated
-Himawari~Chan 🌻

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