Chapter 10🖤

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(y/n)'s POV

"(y/n), can I ask something?" He spoke alot softer than usual, and because of how close we were, I felt my entire body shudder at the sound of his voice.

I tried to answer but I couldn't manage to speak so I hummed as a reply. Kyotani turned to look me in the eyes before speaking, "Can I kiss you?"

I immediately froze and felt heat rush to my face, "I.. uh.. kiss me?" I saw his face drop as I struggled to answer.

He let go of me and stood up, "Stupid question, sorry, ignore me," He started pacing around the room and mumbling to himself.

I stood up and walked in front of him, putting my hands on his shoulder to get his attention, he looked shocked at me touching him.

I looked into his eyes and gave him a small smile. He started to look confused and couldn't figure out what I was doing. I moved one of my hands from his shoulder and placed it on his cheek.

I felt my nerves creeping up on me and forced myself to do what I needed to do.

I used the hand on his shoulder to pull him down to my height before closing my eyes as I leant in towards him.

I kissed him.

As soon as our lips met, I felt all the nervousness I had been feeling melt away and my heart start racing. He quickly put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, returning the kiss.

When we pulled away, I couldn't look away from Kyotani. He didn't want to look away either and seemed to snap back to reality before he grabbed my hand dragged me to the couch, pulling me close to him when we sat down.

He placed his hand on my cheek and then moved it backwards to run his hand through my hair for a few seconds. I smiled at him as he  leant in to kiss me and I closed my eyes but he stopped himself in the last second, "T-This is okay right?"

I still couldn't speak so I nodded instead. He leant in slowly and kissed me far softer than I expected. I'd forgotten about the movie and the presentation, all I could think about was Kyotani. I just wanted to be closer to him and be with him.

He pulled me even closer to him, and wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me there. I put my arms over his shoulders and I felt him deepen the kiss.

We kissed until I was out of breath and had to pull away.

"T-that was.. great," I smiled at him as he hid his face,

"Uh we should get back to the presentation," He sounded like he didn't want to but was telling himself that he needed to,

"Okay" I smiled and held his hand as I pulled him back to the table.

We spoke and made notes for another hour before we took another break, I held onto his hand the entire time.

We sat on the couch and watched TV, Kyotani had his arm around me and I layed on his chest. I felt safer than I ever thought was possible, and didn't want the moment to end.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter 💛
If this isn't what you guys want, I'll delete it and rewrite it
so don't be scared to tell me!💛
Any feedback is appreciated
-Himawari~Chan 🌻

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