Chapter 8🖤

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(y/n)'s POV

When classes finally ended, I walked to the gym with Kyotani and like usual he went straight to the clubroom so that he could change.

I waited outside the gym for (b/f/n) but after 10 minutes Yahaba told me she'd gone home earlier as her younger sibling had gotten ill. Disappointed, I watched practice alone, though I did find it more peaceful without her constantly telling me to look at Yahaba.

By the end of practice, I was exhausted and couldn't wait to go home.

I was waiting with Iwazumi outside of the clubroom for Tooru to change, when Kyotani walked past.

"Oi (y/n), remember to call me later, okay?" He reminded me,

"Oh yeah, I will as soon as I'm home. Bye Kyotani," He lifted his hand in what was almost a wave as he walked away. I watched him leave until he was out of sight.

"Uh (y/n)? What was that about?" Iwazumi asked as soon as Kyotani was gone, startling me as I'd forgotten he was there.

I explained the presentation that me and Kyotani had to do together and how that's why he wanted me to call him.

Almost as soon as I'd finished talking, Tooru left the clubroom and we all started to walk home.

When we got home, I ran to my room and collapsed on my bed, celebrating that hhe day had ended and that (since it was a Friday) I had no school the next day.

I was about to go to sleep when I remembered that I needed to ring Kyotani. I quickly grabbed my notebook and rang the number he had written.

After a few seconds of the phone ringing, Kyotani answered.

"Hello?" He sounded tired and angry, as per usual.

"Hey Kyotani, it's uh me, (y/n)" I felt myself becoming more nervous as I spoke.

"Oh hey, you're ringing about the presentation right?" His voice seemed to soften slightly after I spoke,

"Yeah, do you wanna meet up this weekend to work on it?" I seemed to have calmed down after his change of tone,

"Sure, your place or mine?" I felt my face heat up at the thought of being at Kyotani's house, so I answered quickly,

"My house please! I mean, Tooru is at Iwazumi's house tomorrow so we wouldn't have to worry about getting interrupted. If you're fine with coming to my house, that is?"

"Yeah sure, I don't really care. Text me your address and I'll be there tomorrow morning,"

"Yeah I'll do that in a second, if that's it I'll be going now, by-" I was quickly interrupted,

"Wait, I need to talk to you for a minute," His voice was barely louder than a whisper,

"O-oh okay, go ahead,"

"Are you sure that you're okay after what happened earlier? I've been too worried and it's bugging me," He sounded like a completely different person.

My heart was beating so loud it was deafening as soon as I heard what he had said. Kyotani was worried about me?

"I'm okay, I promise.Thank you so much for helping me this morning, I don't know what I would have done without you Kyotani," I managed to say exactly what I needed to say,

"I-it's fine. Uh I need to go now, bye!"
Did Kyotani stutter? No I must have misheard. I tried not to think about it, which was surprisingly easy as my mind was preoccupied with how tired I felt,

I saved Kyotani's number before I went to sleep,

"AngryBumblebee>:(" has been added to your contacts,

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter 💛
Sorry I don't update much.
I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter but, here you go anyway 💛
Any feedback is appreciated
-Himawari~Chan 🌻

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