Chapter 2🖤

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(y/n)'s POV

It was my first day at Aoba Johsai

I woke up to shouting in the room next to me,

"Wake up Trashykawa! We've got Practice," I heard Iwazumi shout,

I heard my brother whine and tried to go back to sleep,

After a few minutes I heard a knock on my door,

"(y/n), you need to wake up, Trashykawa wants you to watch our practice," Iwazumi said from the hallway,

I told him I'd be a few minutes and started to get ready for school,

Once I was ready, I grabbed my schoolbag and went downstairs, where Iwazumi and Tooru were stood at the door,

On the way to school, Iwazumi explained that I'd be able to watch practice and not have to speak to anyone I'm not comfortable with,

When we arrived at Aoba Johsai, Tooru was swarmed by fan girls and I was pushed away by them,

I tripped and fell, catching Tooru's attention,

"(y/n), are you okay?!" He pushed himself through the girls to help me up,

"I-I'm fine, can we please go to practice?" I asked, trying to ignore the glares I was receiving from the girls,

"Yeah of course (y/n), Iwa-Chan can you show her where the gym is while I unlock the club room?"

Iwazumi nodded and lead me to the gym while Tooru walked in the direction of the club room,

We made it to the gym and most of the team were there, Iwazumi introduced me to the first and second years,

He explained that I'm Tooru's younger sister but I prefer to be called my first name to stop confusion,

Tooru joined practice and I sat aside watching the team until the door opened,

I turned to see who'd arrived and made eye contact with the boy I'd met a few days before.

Once again I became flustered so I hid my face behind my hands,

I heard a small laugh come from Kyotani before the entire gym went silent.

The whole team

"MadDog-Chan! Did you just laugh?!"

"Kyotani can laugh?!"

"He did what?!"

I giggled at the reactions, causing Kyotani to immediately glare at me.

I squealed quietly, scared, leading to another small laugh from Kyotani.

"MadDog laughed cause of (y/n)!?"

"That girl's not human!"

"(y/n)-Senpai, how?!"

"She's the chosen one!"

I quickly became embarrassed and tried to hide my face,

After a few minutes of the team trying to figure out how I'd made Kyotani laugh, they all got back to practice,

Throughout the practice, I found myself looking at Kyotani and he'd spotted me a few times.

After practice, Tooru asked the other second years if anyone was in class 1 with me,

Yahaba started laughing as soon as he heard Tooru ask,

"She's in his class" He laughed, pointing at Kyotani.

"MadDog, please walk with her," Tooru begged Kyotani,

"I don't care. We're going the same way so I might as well," He said before walking to change into his uniform,

Tooru and the second years looked shocked that he didn't say no,

"Was Kyotani being less rude just then, or am I going insane?" Yahaba asked,

"MadDog doesn't absolutely hate everyone?!What has happened to this world?!"

Thanks for reading 💛
Any feedback is appreciated
-Himawari~Chan 🌻

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