emo pov

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School was as uneventful as the library. Tina zoomed through her classes up too lunch. She sat down and stared out the window. 'God I wanna leave this place.' Tina was so deep in thought, she failed to notice two jocks slip on either side of her.

"Hey Tina, you thinking about me?" One said. Tina noticed the pair as Joe and James, the twins that looked like angels with mischievous glints in their eyes and crooked grins.

"Why would I think of you?" Tina says with her brows raised.

"Let's see." One twin said tapping his chin pretending to think hard. "One, we are twins. Two, we are sexy as fuck. And three- well we are sexy as fuck."

"Opinions are duly noted. What do you want?" Tina was annoyed and amused at their cockiness.

"Good question. As you see, James has a date too the dance and she is hot. But I'm all alone. So would you like-"

"Screw off." Tina tried to leave but they held her in a big hug.

"Please baby?" Joe (I think) asked.

"I'm noones baby and no." Tina stared him with stoney eyes and a stoic expression



"Why not"

"I said no cocky cock-licker!" To a wrenched her self from their grip and left. But one twin call out "Screw you bitch!" Tina flashed the finger and left.

As she left, she saw a girl crying and running away. Tina saw that who she ran away from was none other than Israel Williams, the Gothic heartthrob of the school. Sure Tina felt an old hatred bubble up at the sight of him. He deserved too suffer for what he did to her old best friend. 'Stupid dick face.' He saw  her staring and smirked. Tina turned and left before she did something stupid

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