Making a Move (Pt. 2) Goth pov

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As I walked out the class, I smirked. Felt good to walk out of that chicks class. So damn annoying. But I gotta admit, she had some sweet looking hooters. Nice size.
I sat down in the cafeteria and laid my head down. It is so exhausting at school. So much drama and anxiety. Stressful. But it is full of sweethearts. That is pretty much the only reason why i come to school. That and I want to leave my household. I lift my head and look around at my surroundings. There were a bunch of kids on break. I see a few kids playing some card game. Some girls were gossiping and trading lip gloss. I turn a full 180 angle and see two guys kissing. I turn a bit more, and I see tha t emo chick from earlier. She was sitting in a corner, a pencil and sketchpad. I walk up behind her and peeked over her shoulder. It was a drawing of some goth guy with a guitar. I notice a name at the lower left corner.
"Andy Biersack?"

She jumped and whipped her head around so fast, I noticed a slight wince

"Mind your business!" She blushed and scrambled to pick up her things. But in her scramble, she dropped more stuff. When she picked those stuff up, she dropped more stuff.

"You are very clumsy." I looked down at her and crossed my arms as she knelt down to pick up her stuff. I took that chance to glance at the bare skin on her lower back that was revealed.

"Shut up." She glared at me with annoyance in her eyes.

"So mean" I put on a fake pout and placed my hand on my heart dramatically. "You hurt my feelings."

"Oh ha-ha" she rolled her eyes. She did not look too bad. She actually had a nice body. I wouldn't mind smashing that.

"So did you want something?"

I snapped out of my daze as she stood up. She was pretty tall. Maybe about 5'7. My kind of gal.

"Well yes. Two things actually. "

"Well what is it?"

"First, who is Andy Biersack. Two, will u go on a date with me?"

She look confused at first. Then she looked annoyed.

"First, he is an epic person. Two no."

"Ouch. Spicy." That wasn't really what I expected. I mean, come on, I am sexy. And I am a nice guy.

"So is that all?" She looked at me impatiently.

"Go out with me and you wont regret it."

"No. I don't want any relationships."

"Ok at least give new your number? "

"Why are you so damn persistent?"

"Why are you so damn difficult?"

"Touchè. So that is a yes?"

She sighed and looked at me agitated. "Fine."

I noticed a small reddish pink bruise on her wrist while she handed me the paper. I wondered what it could be from.

"Here. Now can I leave?" She looked at me with an exasperated look.

"No one more thing. What is your name?"

She sighed deeply and said "Tina Hemmings."

"Ok. I am-"

"I know who you are. No need to tell me." She walked away and I just got hit with a wave of thought. Nobody has ever cut me off like that. Especially not chicks. This chick really annoyed me. I got a vibe from her. And I did not like it.

Emo  And PunkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon