History repeats

432 14 17

A few weeks had gone by without incident.

Colin, Gavin, Hank and Connor had all been teaching Orion the ropes getting him used to working at the DPD.

Currently Gavin, Colin and Orion were sitting around Gavin's desk while researching some details about a case.

"Reed, Colin, and Orion!"

Fowler shouted from his office, making Gavin groan.

""In my office. Now, Please."

Gavin rolled his eyes, glancing iver at both androids.

"What could he possibly need all three of us for?"

All three collectively stood, walking along before entering Fowler's office.

"Come on in, Gentleman."

All three stood next to one another, patiently waiting for Fowler to give his news.

"So it's come to my attention that you've officially become a part of the dpd. Congratulations."

"Thank you Sir."

Orion replied.

"You're very welcome. But the reason your in here is because it's come to my attention that your the only one here that hasn't been paired off or given a partner."

Orion nodded, glancing over at Colin.

"Yes well, Detective Reed, Colin, Lieutenant Anderson and Connor have been really helpful showing me how things are done here."

Fowler nodded.

"Well, what I called you in here for is to ask you whether or not you'd be interested in having a partner."

Fowler leaned back in his chair a bit.

"You see Orion, we have a new transfer coming in and they are going to be freshly in just like you. I was wondering if you'd be willing to give it a shot?"

Orion seemed to ponder on for a moment.

"Of course sir. If you feel it would be best."

"Wait? We're getting in another transfer? What for?"

Fowler sighed.

"To help handle the work load. Chris is in stable condition but he won't be able to return for a few months since he has to go through remission."

Orion nodded awkwardly.

"Now they should be in the office. Why don't you go and introduce yourself? Consider this your trial week having a partner."

Gavin quirked a brow.

"Then...what are we here for-?"

Colin cut him off.

"Was there something you needed from us, Sir?"

Fowler nodded.

"I just wanted to thank you two. You've been doing well."

Awkward eye contact.

"You are dismissed."

All three quietly left the Fowlers office, scanning around the department for someone new.

"Ah, there. I think they're new."

Gavin motioned towards a slender looking Man- More boyish to be honest.

They looked rather young.

"Damn...he can't be a day over twenty-one...."

Suddenly they looked up and over at the three, smiling and walking over.

"Hey there. Are you Orion?"

They said in a surprisingly feminine voice.

"Wow they did say you have white hair. It practically glows..."

They joked softly, before sticking out their hand.

"Alex. Alex Russell."

"Um...it's nice to meet you, Alex."

Orion murmured, clearly confused and glancing over at Colin.

Colin seemed just as confused.

He scanned them again.

Finally he simply offered his hand to shake.

"It's nice to meet you uh Mr.Russell...?"

Finally Gavin stepped in for damage control.

"Hey there. You wouldn't happen to be Androgynous would you?"

Orion and Colin's eyes widened at just how straight forward Gavin was.

"Ah, yeah actually. How'd you know?"

They replied cheerily.

"Ah...I just wanted to make sure, can I know your preferred pronouns are for today?"

This made Alex smile.

"Ah...I'm feeling more masculine today."

"Ah so it is Mr. Then?"

"Yes! Thank you asking."

Gavin turned towards Orion.

"It's only awkward if you make it awkward. Don't be afraid to ask."

He whispered into his ear.

Alex smiled again.

"Well, it was really nice meeting you guys!"

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"Well, it was really nice meeting you guys!"

"But...what is your biologica-"

Gavin elbowed Orion.

Once Alex was out of sight Gavin winced in pain, grabbing his elbow.

"Jesus what are you made of? Iron?"


"The question was rhetorical."

Gavin huffed.

"Ow....but you do NOT ask that. Okay?"

"Ask what?"

"Its kinda weird asking people about their genitals, Orion."

"But I didn't-"

"Directly no, but the pretense is the same."

Orion's LED flickered yellow for a moment, visibly confused.

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