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Connor adjusted his tie for the 4th time since they'd gotten into the car.

Hank couldn't help but notice Connor's nervous fidgeting.

"What's the matter, Connor?"

Hank mumbled, only removing his gaze from the road for a split second to glance at the android.

"'s noth-"

"Don't lie, Connor. You're way to easy to read, just tell me what's the matter."

Connor hesitated for a moment.


"What is it?"

"You know....Gavin and Nine are quite close...."

"Everyone know's they're a couple now Connor-"

"I know that- I-It's just-"


Connor turned to look at Hank.

"They're...They're just more..."

"More what?"


"Whattya mean?"

"They....they aren't as bothered to show....affection to front of others, I mean."

Hank was quiet for a minute.

"I see...."

He stared at Connor quietly from the corner of his eye.

" want me to be affectionate with you in front of other's?"

Hank said softly, with a hint of a smirk.

"A-Ah, well Hank, not anything to u-uh... Daring really, I just really wanna grab your bu- Hand. I just really wanna hold your hand..."

Hank had already begun to snicker.

"Hank I don't really understand how this is amusing- Ah hold still..."

Hank stopped laughing.

"Hm? What?"

"It would appear you have something in your hair....if you'll give me a moment I can get it out for you."

"H-Hey, Ouch!"

"My apologies, Hank."


Hank suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"Pull my hair again and this is gonna get awkward real fast."

Connor tilted his head, Confused.

"I don't know what you mean, Lieutenant."

Connor replied innocently with a small smile.

Hank gritted his teeth.

"You know damn well what I mean, Connor."

Connor's innocent smile turned into more of a smirk.


"I do recommend you stop trying to hide my bite marks...if you do I might just have to add something much more obvious..."

"You don't own me you fricken Asshole!"

Gavin couldn't help but yelp when Colin reached over and gave him a squeeze.

"W-Why you-!"

"Keep yelling at me-"

Colin leaned in whispering in low and dangerous voice that some how managed to stay seductive.

"-And I'll give you a reason to scream..."

Gavin went silent, and his face went bright red.

"C-Colin you really n-need to focus on the road..."

"I was made to multi-task now, Gavin..."

"Why have you been acting so possessive lately, jeez....are you....Jealous?"

Colin smirked a predatory grin.

"Oh me baby boy, if I was jealous..."

Colin squeezed Gavin's thigh.

"-You wouldn't be able to use your legs...."

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