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The moment Hank unlocked the door all five piled in side the house.

"Alright so....I have spare bedrooms-"

Hank began only to pause as he glanced over at the white haired android who appeared to be looking around in slight awe.

"Why don't you come sit down and I'll get something else to wear?"

Hank questioned softly, motioning to the couch.

"I'm sure that uniform isn't the most comfortable."

Just as the android opened it's mouth to speak it stood somewhat awkwardly in place.

"Uh...I uh d-don't really need-"

Before he could finish Colin clapped him on the back.

"Sure that's a good Idea Hank."

The older man nodded, walking off towards his bedroom to go retrieve some clothes.

"Sit down."

Colin commanded not-to-seriously.

The white-haired android sat quietly next to Connor while Gavin and Colin sat on the sofa across from them.

Hank came walking back into the living room, clothes in hand.

"Here I'm sure these will do."

The android nodded stiffly, holding the articles in his lap.

"Thank you."

He replied, Icy blue eyes glued to the floor.

It was quiet until finally Gavin couldn't take it anymore, breaking the silence.

"Don't you have a name?"

Everyone looked at Gavin in surprise.

Rk1000 wore it as well, before his expression returned to neutral.

"No. I wasn't given one."

Everybody looked at each other.

"Would...Would you like a name?"

"I'm a machine."

He replied coldly.

"Why would I need a name?"

Colin stepped forward before anyone could stop him.

"Your not a machine."

"Oh? And how would you know?"

"Listen here, fucker-"


Hank warned.

"Because Roomba's can't cry."

All eyes turned back to Gavin in disbelief.

Rk1000 blinked slowly, leaning back in disbelief.

"Did...Did you just call me a glorified AI vacuum?"

"And if I did?"

Gavin questioned.

"You seem oddly upset and angry for a 'machine'."

The shorter man leaned back against the couch, giving him a look of his own.

Finally Rk1000 went silent.

"I'm sorry."

It was so quiet they almost didn't hear the android.

"It's fine, son."

Hank replied, squeezing his shoulder.

"Why don't you change?"

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