Vote? pt.1

368 15 37

At this point all five stood in DPD department.

"Pthhh....Are you sure that's what you wanna be called, erm....Olaf?"

Gavin chuckled, until Colin elbowed him.

"She's only a little girl, Gavin. He doesn't have to keep the name. In my opinion perhaps Hank should name him."

"Hmm...Perhaps it was meant to happen though?" 

Rk1000 mumbled softly.

"I have an Idea."

Hank interjected.

"How about a name that starts with an O? Will that suffice? So you don't get stuck named after a magical snowman?"

"Hey could've been worse- He coulda been named frosty or some shit."

Gavin laughed, getting him another elbow.

"Owww....jeez it's a joke, take it easy."


Hank pondered quietly.

"What about Oscar?"

"What is he? A shitzu?"

Gavin mumbled, making Hank glare at him.

"What about... I don't know, Oliver?"

Colin replied, leaning back against Gavin's desk.


"What the fuck Connor, it's the 20th century-"

"J-Just a suggestion!"

"Get your panties out of a twist Reed, and go eat a goddamn snickers-"


"Hold up- isn't that the dog from garfield-?"


"Nope- sounds like a hopped up on steroids asshole-"

"You guys this shouldn't be this hard-"

Rk1000 sat by quietly watching in awe.


A soft female voice interjected, causing all eyes to look towards it.

"Oh...hey Tina, when did you get here?"

The asian woman smiled at Rk1000, making the machine feel something- strangely warm inside. Blue blood flushed to his cheeks.

"Maybe we should have just stuck to C-names..."

Connor replied sheepishly.

"Wait! I have an Idea!"

Hank grinned.


He began.

"Where was that warehouse located at that we found him in?"

Connor went quiet for a moment.

"Lake...Lake Orion Township I believe."

"Huh....that might not be a bad Idea Hank..."

Gavin replied with a shrug.


Gavin looked over at Rk1000.


Something suddenly seemed to Register in the advanced androids eyes.

"My name is Orion..."

He mumbled quietly to himself.

Everyone looked towards him, before glancing at one another and nodding.

"Orion it is then....Welcome to the Detroit police department."

Hank hummed, clapping the android on the back.

"It fits well enough."

Tina jerked her head towards captain Fowlers office.

"Speaking of which, Colin, Gavin Fowler wants to see you."

"Oh boy....great."

Gavin huffed.

Once they were gone Hank turned back to Orion.

"Its a good name. But you can still pretend its Olaf whenever Kiki is over."

This made the android smile softly to himself.

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