Chapter 8

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~ Uhh I kinda hate this chapter so don't be too harsh. xoxo ~

*Reader Pov*

"I didn't know Hotch was your dad," Emily says as she looks between the two of you.

"Yeah, I don't really tell many people. Plus I have my mom's last name," you say quickly as he starts to walk over to you.

"(Y/N). go home," Hotch says forcefully.

"Shouldn't I stay, I was involved?" He glares at you and you can feel the anger from his gaze. An involuntary shiver goes down your spine before you nod your head.

"Fine," you say. He seems satisfied and walks back over to the teachers that broke up the fight.

"I'm sorry Em," you say as you turn back to her. She gives you a weak smile.

"It's ok, I can handle myself." She grabs your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze, before walking over to Morgan, Luke, and Matt who are all being talked to. You move over to where Spence, Tara, and Penelope are standing, but you are met with stares of betrayal.

"I told you this was a bad idea," Spencer says with tears in his eyes.

"Spence," you say quietly, confused as to why he is upset with you.

"I told you I didn't want to come, but you made me come anyway, and now look what happened," he raises his voice, and you are taken aback. He never gets mad like this, and he has never yelled at you.

"Spencer I am sorry, I didn't know any of this would happen," you say desperately trying to get him to see your point.

"This stuff always happens but we are never involved. Why do you think I didn't want you to start hanging out with Emily. Because this is what the popular kids do. They fight and they pick on the underdog no matter what," he says angrily. "I'm done (Y/N), I'm sorry but I think I would rather sit in the library by myself every day than have to deal with stuff like this all of the time." He turns around and walks back to the parking lot. The three of you stare after him for a second before Tara turns and gives you an apologetic look.

"Do you have another way home (Y/N)? I think he just needs some time to cool off."

"I can take her," Penelope says, and with a nod, Tara follows after Spencer. The adrenaline from this whole ordeal is finally wearing off and you feel exhausted. Garcia sees this and pulls you into a hug.

"Let's get you home," she says softly while leading you to her car.

The ride felt short and the whole time you were staring out of the window, thinking about how such a fun night turned so bad so quickly. When you pull into your driveway Garcia asks you if you want her to come in and give you some company but you tell her no. It wouldn't do any good anyway once your dad got home.

You make your way up to your room but your limbs feel like they are each twenty pounds and your head is a jumbled mess. Once you get there you collapse onto your bed and soon enough you fall into a restless sleep.

An hour or so later, you are woken up by the sound of the front door slamming.

"(Y/N) get downstairs now," your father's voice booms through the house.

You pull yourself off of your bed and make your way down the steps. He is standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you, and once you get to him he motions for you to move into the living room. You cautiously sit down on the couch and he stands in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Dad I..." you start but he holds his hand up to stop you.

"I'm extremely disappointed in you (Y/N)," he says firmly.

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