Chapter 13

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As Emily is driving you home, she notices that you keep looking at your phone with a less than pleasant expression.

"Who is texting?" she asks as she glances at you.

"My dad," you say with a sigh. "He's worried about spencer."

"That's sweet of him," she says.

"Yeah it is but, he's bombarding me with questions that I don't think I can answer right now." You lean your head back against the headrest and run a hand through your hair.

"You wanna crash at my place tonight?" She asks. "If you don't want to deal with your dad I mean."

"Sure," you say, and she smiles at you. "I would love to."

When you get to Emily's house, the two of you are practically exhausted from the long day, so you agree to just shower and go to bed. After you shower and borrow some of Emily's clothes, you walk back into her bedroom to see her already in bed under the covers.

As you walk over to her, she pulls back the covers for you, and you climb into bed next to her. She wraps her arm around you and you snuggle yourself close to her warmth. She turns off the lamp next to her bed, and you feel yourself start to drift off to sleep. But a few moments later, something wakes you back up.

"I love you," you hear Emily whisper suddenly. You are taken aback and it feels like your brain has short-circuited. Did you hear her right?

"What?" you ask sleepily as you look up at her. She takes a deep breath and bites her lips nervously as she locks eyes with you.

"I love you," she says slower this time. You pull yourself up to a sitting position and turn to face Emily.

"You love me?" you question, now fully awake.

"Do you want me to say it again?" she asks with a small nervous laugh.

"No I heard you," you say with a shake of your head. "I am just trying to process everything." Emily moves closer to you and grabs your hands in hers.

"Rossi said something about fear the other day and it hasn't left my head ever since. And now after the whole thing with Reid, I am scared that fear is going to prevent me from getting the chance to tell you." Your breath catches in your throat, and you look at her with wide expectant eyes.

"When I kissed you in that closet, I was not sober," she continues with a small laugh, "but then we talked all night and I woke up the next morning thinking about you, so I knew it wasn't because of the alcohol. I knew instantly that we had this crazy connection but I was scared that you would realize that you are way out of my league. I've had a rough past and I have been afraid of letting people in but every single time I am with you I feel safe. So I don't know if you feel the same but I'm not letting my fear control me anymore. I had to tell you how I felt."

You sit there just looking at her, not exactly sure of the right words to say. There really isn't anything that you can say. You move your hands out of her grasp, and a look of panic flashes over Emily's eyes for a moment, until you place them on the sides of her face.

You run a thumb across her cheek, before leaning forward and pressing your lips against hers. Instinctively, she wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you closer to her as she kisses you back.

While the two of you have kissed before, this feels so much more different. Now you weren't kissing your crush in the closet, you were kissing the girl who you had fallen in love with. It felt magical and your head was fuzzy with happiness as you slowly pulled your lips away from her.

"I have wanted to do that again for the longest time," Emily says breathlessly and she lets out a light giggle.

"I love you too," you whisper to her. A smile grows on her face, bigger than you've ever seen.

"So does this mean I can finally call you my girlfriend?" she asks.

You nod at her with a smile, and she practically tackles you as she pulls you into another kiss.

You fall your back with Emily above you and your mind goes hazy, fully focused on the feeling of her lips on yours. She kisses you with a passion that you had never felt before, but that you couldn't get enough of.

You are only drawn out of your haze when you feel Emily's hand start to drift under your shirt and towards your bra. Her fingers play against your skin, and the new sensations bring a light moan into your throat.

Suddenly Emily freezes and her lips leave yours. She moves from on top of you and reassumes her position sitting next to you.

"What's wrong," you ask as you sit up too, afraid that you had done something to mess up.

"Nothing," she says as she gives you a light peck on the lips. She reaches up and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear as she looks you in the eye. "I just think we should wait."

"Why?" you ask all of your insecurities coming to the surface. You knew Emily wasn't a virgin, she had been with guys before she met you. "Is it because I'm... I mean... is it me?"

"No," she quickly reassures you, "well technically yes but not in the way you think." She shifts how she is sitting and wraps an arm around you as she pulls you into her side. "I think that our first time should be special. In the few times, I've had sex before it's never been special. But you're different, you're special."

"You think I am special?" you ask, causing her to let out a small laugh.

"I know you are," she says. She places a light kiss on the top of your head, and you bury yourself further into her embrace. Together the two of you drift off to sleep with smiles on your faces. 

~ Only one more chapter guys! xoxo ~

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