Chapter 3

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*Emily's POV*

I walk onto the patio after getting my lunch. As I move to my usual table, I notice for the first time that (Y/N) and her friends sit just a few tables down. My eyes drift over to her and I can't help but stare. Somehow, I hadn't noticed how beautiful she was until last night. I can get an even better look at her now that we aren't in a dark cramped closet. The way her eyes sparkle in the sun and how her hair frames her face perfectly. I am taken out of my thoughts when I hear a bag slam down on the table.

"Spill it, sister," Garcia says as she and JJ sit down.

"I don't know what you're talking about Pen," I say with a shrug as I turn my attention back to my food.

"Come on Em, you know exactly what I am talking about." Garcia says as she leans towards me, "Last night you left us to go hang out with that little cutie over there, and my sources are telling me you guys hung out all night."

"You're sources?" I ask as I roll my eyes. Garcia just winks at me as she puts a bite of her salad into her mouth. JJ laughs at her and lightly nudges my shoulder.

"Ok, ignore her Em." JJ says with a laugh, "but seriously what happened last night? You did kind of just disappear"

"Nothing happened." I say seriously, "We went to the park and sat by the tree while we just talked. What is your favorite color? How many siblings do you have? Boring stuff like that. We didn't talk about the party and I didn't mention the kiss. We were just getting to know each other. And then I drove her home. There really isn't anything else to tell."

"You like her?" JJ asks me.

"She obviously likes her," Penelope chimes in. I pause for a second and think. Do I like her?

"I don't know," I finally say.

"Emily we aren't as blind as you seem to be," Garcia says, causing me to give her a confused look.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the googly eyes you were making at her before we sat down," she says teasingly. I glance back over at (Y/N) and see her laughing at something that Spencer had just said. I automatically smile and feel a blush start to creep onto my face.

"That! That right there is what we are talking about!" Garcia practically shouts.

"Ok fine, maybe I do," I say as I run a hand through my hair. "But she's just so different than anybody else at this school. So different from anybody else that I have dated. She is down to earth and there is just something about her that I can't put my finger on. She is so beautiful inside and out but she doesn't know it, and when she smiles her eyes light up, and she is funny once she relaxes a bit. She's just special in her own way."

"Well, Romeo, that was quite a poem." Garcia says with a laugh causing me to blush more, "if you think that highly of her why don't you just ask her out."

"It isn't that simple Pen," I say with a sigh.

"Why not? All you have to say is, Will you go out with me?" Garcia says.

"I agree with Emily on this one," JJ says, coming to my aid. "I mean she's only really known (Y/N) for one day. Plus she has only dated guys before, are we sure she even has romantic feelings for her."

"Jayge, did you not hear anything that she just said. She practically just confessed her love," Garica says.

"Yeah I heard her, but I am just saying. Maybe she only feels this way because of the kiss. They shared a moment so now she is linking the feelings of the kiss to (Y/N)." JJ says.

"But you don't have feelings like that from a kiss unless you have feelings for the person that you are kissing."

"She might just be lonely. I mean she hasn't been on a date in a while." Finally hearing enough of them going back and forth about my love life I clear my throat and get their attention.

"While this has been very entertaining, I am not sure that I am enjoying you guys talking about me like I am not even here." They both give me an apologetic look.

"Ok I will drop it," Garcia says.

"Me too," JJ says with a nod. "But just one more thing. If you want to figure out your feelings, you might want to talk to the person you might have feelings about. And she just so happens to be leaving right now."

JJ points over towards (Y/N), and I turn to see her and her friends getting up to walk back inside the school. I look back to Garcia and JJ to see them smiling and waving me away so I shoot them a thankful look and rush off to meet up with (Y/N).

*Readers POV*

"I told you going to that party was a good idea," Tara tells you as you finish up lunch.

"Whatever," you say with a roll of your eyes, "I am still mad at you for not showing up."

"Hey, I apologized for that already. Spence, explain to her how it's a good thing that I didn't show up." She turns to Spencer and pokes him in the arm.

"No thank you," he says, not looking up from whatever book he was reading. "I have no desire to get in the middle of your girl fight."

"It isn't a fight," you say, "it is just a disagreement,"

"Even though there isn't anything to disagree with considering that if I had been there you never would have had a hot makeout session with Emily Prentiss, the girl you've had a crush on ever since I met you," Tara says as the three of you get up from your table and start to make your way back inside.

"She does have a point," Spence chimes in as he looks over at you. "not only that but you also would not have spent all night with her."

"So much for not getting in the middle," you say as you shoot him a glare. "And it wasn't all night. We just hung out and talked."

"Well it looks like she's coming over here to "talk" some more," Tara says, motioning over your shoulder. You stop and turn around to see Emily walking over to you with a smile on her face.

"Hey, (Y/N)," she says as she catches up with you. "Hey Spencer, Tara." She waves at your friends.

"Hi, and Bye," Tara says back, "Spence and I were just about to head to the library, see you later." Tara waves a quick goodbye and tugs, Spencer, after her toward the library. You are left awkwardly standing alone with Emily.

"So where are you headed?" She asks as the two of you start to walk down the hall.

"Well, I was going to Rossi's classroom to ask about some of the homework he assigned."

"Wow, Advanced Psychology," she says with a smirk, "I knew you were smart but damn." You smile a little and look down at the floor. "Mind if I walk you?" she asks.

"Not at all."

The rest of the walk was quiet but comfortable. You and Emily walked side by side, hands brushing against each others, soft smiles on both of your faces. When you get to the classroom you pause and turn to her.

"Thank you for walking with me," you say as you look up at her.

"No problem, I enjoyed it." She pauses for a second as if thinking about something before she speaks again. "I enjoyed last night too, you are really good company." You blush and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I enjoyed it too."

"What are you doing after school?" She asks you with a curious look.

"I don't think I am doing anything," you say. She smiles but you can tell that she is a little nervous. 

"Would you like to come to my house? We could pop some popcorn and watch a movie or just hang out."

"That sounds like fun, I would love to." You say with a smile.

"Great, I will meet you after school." She waves goodbye before walking away and leaving you standing outside of the door.

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