Chapter 16

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Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry for the long wait (and I really mean it!!)!!!!!!

This might be confusing, but bear with me! The past is in italics.

Oh I hope you enjoy my headcanons!

Past Narration Thingy by France: Sometime in the past~

I waited by the familiar front door of England's house after knocking three times, ready to talk things out like a civil being. The sound of crickets and the feeling of sticky, humid, summer night air surrounded me. Nearby pollen that floated in the air made my nose itchy, but I did not sneeze- I made sure of it.

Ever since England and I had found Canada and America, we were given the responsibility from the others to watch over them. England insisted that I would take Canada (since he usually forgot his presence), and he'd take America. It had been like that for many years now.

I never told England that Canada was my real son, while America was not his. That would have been too much explaining, and he most likely would not believe me if I explained myself truthfully.

Recently, England and I got into a big fight, a war even. Ever since, Canada had been staying with him instead of me. England had accused me of being things that I was not, which hurt me deep inside.

The door to the house opened, revealing a red-coated British man in his uniform, pistol in his hand. Upon seeing me, he lowered it, irradiated.

"What do you want?" he asked me coldly as his expression hardened, "I thought I told you to stay as far away from us as possible."

"Angleterre, we need to talk."

"You're not here for Canada, are you? He doesn't want you anymore, so why are you so attached to him?" he asked, dodging my statement. Those words hit like a bullet wound to the chest, but I swallowed the pain.

"Si'l vous plâit, listen to me. I don't care if we even 'ave to talk outside in zhe dark of night away from zhe children, I just need to talk to you."

He sighed shortly and nodded, closing the door to the house behind him carefully.

"So, what is it?" he asked me with the same cold, hard expression again, "I don't plan on waiting here all night, you know."

"I... I don't understand why you still zhink I'm too irresponsible to take care of zhe two countries with you."

With that, England laughed, making me confused.

"I don't think that you're too irresponsible, frog, don't be ridiculous. I know that you are too irresponsible and immature to watch over even another country, and you're a pervert! How do I know you aren't a pedophile?"

The words sent another pang of pain to my chest, and before I could stop myself, I practically yelled back the same way he spoke to me , "I'm not a pervert, and I am absolutely not a pedophile! I am just trying to be a good father and raise my son properly. I would appreciate it if you stopped calling me zhose 'orrible names, you black sheep of Europe!"

England seemed to lose interest after I stated that I wanted to be a good father and became hysterical in laughter, probably because he didn't hear me call him a black sheep of Europe.

"Father? Wait, so you actually think you're his father? That's... That's... Ahahaha~"

I covered my mouth, silently cursing myself for spilling the information that I hoped I didn't have to give him. My face turned a reddish color, from both anger and frustration towards his laughter. I tried to keep the secret for such a long time, but I suppose he had to find out eventually.

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