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Fwega focused like she had never focused before, opening her mind to every facet of the Mandalorian's feelings and passing thoughts.

They had left Trask almost as soon as Mando landed, him announcing the location of the jedi but not a name of any kind. Fwega had asked him to put the ship on autopilot, and she had beckoned him to the bunk to begin the linking process.

And so they sat there, cross-legged, holding hands as they both opened their minds to each other. Mando's helmet was off and the bunk dark.

Minutes passed by like hours, Mando reaching, hoping to find her within that cleansing darkness. He had never minded the dark, finding solace in the stillness.

Fwega's mind, on the other hand, jumped from emotion to emotion quickly as she remembered every aspect of the day before, trying not to dwell on the past but not helping herself as she remembered the water filling her ears and her overwhelming fear. She quickly reined it in, huffing and drawing Mando out of his concentration.

He cracked an eyelid, but saw nothing in the dark. "Fwega?"

Her posture relaxed and she groaned, rubbing her face in frustration. His bare hands found her elbows and he slid them up to her hands, holding them once more in his.

"Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing. I remember my parents telling me of it- but I never had the chance to look over the archives before-"

"Fwega, it's okay."

Her hands squeezed his, and her face drew closer to his. "I love how you say my name. Like some sort of prayer."

His breath hitched and he felt her hot breath against his lips. His lips trembled slightly, still not used to the sheer intimacy of physical contact. "Maybe we haven't been going about this the right way, Fwega."

He leaned in closer and closed the gap between them.

Their kiss grew in intensity, fitting like two puzzle pieces. They were made for each other, Fwega thought.

Mando felt her spark of joy and smiled against her lips before once again mirroring Fwega's intensity. Fwega leaned forward and he accidently fell back, her now on top of him in the small bunk. Their legs were tangled, and they didn't know where one stopped and the other began.

"Did you feel it?" Fwega dipped down to press a quick kiss to his lips, drawing away so he could answer her question.

"Yes." He whispered back, sending a shiver down her spine. He pushed his head up to steal another kiss. "If this whole linking thing entails us making out every day, sign me up."

She laughed gently and, as always, he listened closely, his own overwhelming feelings of joy and belonging even stronger than before. Fwega paused, reaching out her mind to try to locate the child, but she only felt faint emotions from the cockpit upstairs.

"There's no going back now," she whispered back to him. She laid her head on his chest and they laid there, Fwega listening to his heartbeat while Mando focused on feeling her emotions. Her calmness was faint, but he knew it was coming from her. And something else, too, something faint but distinct.

Love. It filled ever part of her, and he knew that he had made the right choice.


Okay fun fact I am aromantic so I have no idea what I'm doing, I just hope I'm doing an okay job on the lovey-dovey parts because again, I have no idea what I'm doing. Another fun fact: the premise of my stories are based on what the great Miyazaki wanted his ghibli movies to be about: people inspiring other people to live. So mostly, I'm going based on that and trying to give them a deeper form of love than just surface love.

ALSO they're all happy so you know what that means :) time to shake things up ;)

Hope you enjoyed!!

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